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We never went on a double date with other people. We even went to prom together as friends.

At least that’s what we told each other and everyone else.

“Liv, if you knew that you wouldn’t lose your friendship with Caleb and fear wasn’t a factor, how do you feel about Caleb? And don’t think—just answer.”

“I’m in love with him,” I say without hesitation. And once I start, I can’t stop. “I’ve always had feelings for him, been drawn to him. I think to begin with it was because he was the cute new guy in town. Then we started to hang out, and I loved his sense of humor, his protectiveness, and the way he always made everything fun. I always know I’ll be safe with him. But I always figured I wasn’t his type, not as girlfriend material. So, I let go of the idea that he’d ever see me as more than a friend. But I love him. I’ve always loved him.”

My eyes widen and I clap a hand over my mouth.

Sara laughs and takes the hand in my lap, squeezing it. “It’s okay,” she says. “It was only a matter of time before you guys figured this out. We’ve been making bets for years.”

“Who’s been making bets for years?” I ask, horrified.

She shrugs a shoulder. “The whole town. Let’s see…” She narrows her eyes in thought. “I think Ryan may have won this bet. Damn it!”

My mouth drops open. “Ryan was in on this?”

Sara rolls her eyes. “Please, our brother started the pot. He’s always liked Caleb, but he knows how you are. Never letting the vulnerability show.” She sighs. “You and Ryan are the doctors, cut from the same cloth. Well, except for the fact you can sing your ass off. Eli and me? We’re the dreamers, the creatives. Like Mom.” She shrugs. “Guess Ryan figured you’d fight this as long as you could.”

Her smile falters, and shadows cross her eyes before they clear and she squeezes my hand again. “But seriously, Liv, if you love him, tell him. Guys like that don’t come around often. Don’t let him slip through your fingers. Because if you don’t tell him, it isn’t fair to expect him to never move on. Tell him or let him go.”

I narrow my eyes at my not-so-little-anymore sister. There’s a story behind the shadows and the wise words. But I know her; she won’t tell me right now. “When did you get so smart?”

She just laughs and stands, holding out her hands. “Come on. I’ll make waffles, and we’ll talk strategy for Operation Get Caleb Back.”

As we walk through the living room, the scene where Sandy is singing about being hopelessly devoted is playing on the screen and an idea hits me.

“I think I know what to do.”



Itap my finger against the side of my bottle of beer with a frown. I have no desire to be sitting at a table near the stage in the Silver Moon surrounded by people celebrating Saturday night.

If I had my way, I’d never step foot back in this place ever again. Too many memories.

The beer is the best part of the night, but I’d rather be sitting in my living room, wallowing in my pain instead of pretending I care about being here.

But when Wyatt stopped by my house and told me I looked like shit and smelled even worse, I rallied. Because that’s what Wrights do. We rally in the face of a shitstorm. My mom did it when my dad left us, and now I’m going to do it too despite the person I love leaving my ass.

Yep, Olivia’s gone.

I expected it when I returned to my house and she wasn’t there. But I didn’t expect that she’d hightail it back to Texas.

I’ve gotten a single text from her since the last time I saw her a week ago.

I’m sorry.

I wanted to text her back and ask her why she was sorry.

Was it because she loved me too and was sorry she didn’t know? Or was it because she didn’t feel the same way I did and was sorry she could no longer be my friend?

I didn’t answer her back, waiting to see if she’d elaborate. But she’s been radio silent since then.

I guess that answers my question.

Not talking to her is killing me. In the twenty years I’ve known her, there hasn’t been a day we didn’t talk.

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