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“Why not?” I grinned. “Although I hope that you’re not getting me drunk to set me loose in the Last Chance Tavern.”

Serena looked like she was going to spit out her wine. “Amateur night is Tuesday.”

“Who says I’m an amateur?” I pumped my eyebrows at her. I was far too shy to strip, but if for some reason I ended up at the Last Chance Tavern, at least I was wearing the lacy underwear I’d bought ten years earlier. Pulling off the tag and slipping into the sexy fabric that morning had felt empowering. I was wearing them for nobody but myself.

“I don’t know you well, Julia. But from what I do know, I’d say you’re pulling my leg. Now, tell me about this serendipitous man from yesteryear.”

I would’ve changed the subject, but the wine had relaxed me enough to tell Serena the story about the night I went to dinner with Chance Powers.



My cheeks were flushed and my legs were shaky, but I had done it. I’d graduated from East Coast green runs to big mountain blue squares. I was exhausted. It had snowed all day and skiing in powder was a lot harder than I expected.

After my t-shirt spill that morning, I didn’t want to chance running into the man that had turned me into a bumbling idiot. Instead of dining at the steak house, I decided to take the shuttle bus from the mountain into Chance Rapids.

“Howdy, Miss Atkins.” The driver from the airport shuttle grinned from beneath his white mustache. “Looks like Mr. Powers finally found Chance Rapids.”

I furrowed my brow at the driver, not understanding what he meant.

Until I got on the bus.

Staring at me from behind Donny the driver was a pair of crystal blue eyes. “Julia,” he smiled. His dimples made my stomach do a backflip.

“Hi.” I slid into the seat in front of Mister Blue Eyes. “You’re Chance Powers.”

“Guilty.” He draped his elbow over the seat beside me.

“You were supposed to be on this bus with me last night.” I felt the need to explain. “I overheard your name.”

“I’m just glad that my parents didn’t name me after the city where I was born.”

My eyes widened. “It has to be Austin.” I now had another detail about the mysterious Mr. Powers.

“Can you imagine?” He laughed.

I chuckled. “I think you could pull it off.”

“Oh, behave.” He put on a British accent and my heart fluttered against my ribcage. The man sitting behind me was good-looking, charming, and funny. The trifecta. There had to be something wrong with him. “I’m heading to the diner for dinner. Would you like to join me? We could even be rebels and sit at the same table tonight.”

I hoped that he didn’t see the slow exhale I took to calm down my heart. I double-hoped that he couldn’t hear the nervous tremble in my voice. “The diner?”

“It’s the only place in town open tonight. Right, Donny?” He raised his voice to speak to the driver.

“Yep. The locals call it the G Spot,” Donny said with a straight face.

My face felt like it was on fire, and when I got up the nerve to look at Chance, his cheeks were rosy as well. “Short for the General Store. I had to ask.” He chuckled and I noticed a hint of nervousness in his laugh. Could he be feeling the same thing I was feeling? That we were destined to meet? Men didn’t have those kinds of thoughts, did they?

“Sure. If it’s the only place in town to eat out.” I pursed my lips together and had to stop myself from clamping my mittened hand over my mouth. “I didn’t mean for that to sound… dirty.”

Chance’s eyes sparkled and crinkles formed beside his eyes. He looked like he was trying to hide a smile. “I think it’s impossible not to sound dirty with a name like that. I just hope that it truly exists.” He winked.

Oh, my God.

I wasn’t imagining it. We were flirting. And, not just light and fluffy flirting, we were joking about g-spots. Something told me that Chance wouldn’t need directions to find mine—and with that thought, I knew that if the opportunity came up, I would do something I’d never done before.

Have a one-night stand.
