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I fought the urge to do a happy dance. I had a feeling this mountain of a man could be exactly what I needed to get Ethan off my mind.

“You’re not here with him?” Warren sounded confused.

“We came separately.” I laid a hand on his forearm, feeling the cords of muscle shift beneath his inked skin. I was being forward, but no one had ever accused me of not going after what I wanted. “Are you from around here?”

He tapped his chest, and it took me a moment to realize his T-shirt was advertising a motor shop in Destiny Falls, a tourist town that was a ferry ride and several hours’ drive away.

“Ah, right.” Silly me. I should have noticed. “Are you staying for the night?”

He crowded me, his hand coming to rest on my hip. Heat rushed to my core, and I had to crane my neck to look up at him. “Why do you want to know?” He dropped his head so his lips were beside my ear and murmured, “The way you’re looking at me is giving me dirty thoughts.”

“Then we’re on the same page,” I whispered back.

He cocked his head, looking intrigued but wary. “I don’t do relationships, or repeats.”

“Perfect.” I ignored the disappointed part of myself that screamed how unfair it was not to have the chance to spend more than one night with this sexy stranger. That needy little voice in my head was the reason I always ended up getting dumped. I came on too strong and scared men away. “All I want is a good, hard roll between the sheets.”

He winked. “Oh, darling. I can give you that.”




Iwiped my palms on the front of my jeans as I jogged up the steps into the Destiny Falls school building. They were covered in oil because my daughter’s new homeroom teacher had called while I was at work and asked me to come in as soon as I’d finished for the day. When Ruby, my thirteen-year-old, had arrived at the garage after school, she hadn’t shed any light on the matter, just looked uncomfortable and changed the subject when I asked, but her eyes had been red-rimmed, as though she’d been crying.

If Miss Olson, whom Ruby had been raving about ever since she’d arrived two weeks ago to fill in while Ruby’s usual homeroom teacher was away on maternity leave, was responsible for Ruby’s tears, I was going to rain hell down on her. Based on the way Ruby had been going on about how cool her new teacher was, that seemed unlikely, but being summoned for a meeting on the same day my daughter had been upset couldn’t be a coincidence. Something had happened, and I was going to get to the bottom of it.

I strode down the hall, past several doors, and checked the numbers as I went. Miss Olson had said she’d be in room eleven. I found the classroom near a bend in the corridor, opposite a wall of lockers, and knocked before entering. The teacher was sitting at her desk, head bent over her laptop, but there was something familiar about the strip of pink hair nearly hidden within her thick blonde tresses.

My stomach tightened.

Oh, God.

Oh, hell no.

Miss Olson—Hannah—looked up, and a smile died on her pretty pink lips. Lips that had formed a pouty ‘O’ around my cock as she’d sucked it only a few weeks ago. Her hazel eyes widened in surprise, and if I’d been under any illusion that she’d expected to see me, it died a swift death. She looked as horrified as I felt.

“Warren?” she asked, her breathy tone shooting straight to my dick. It reminded me of the way she’d sounded screaming my name when I’d been deep inside her, and the little hitches in her breath with every thrust I’d made. There was a tightening behind the fly of my jeans. I dropped my hands to rest casually in front of the bulge, hoping she wouldn’t notice.

“What the hell are you doing here?” I demanded.

She winced. Rightfully so—my tone had been overly harsh, but I couldn’t seem to recover from the shock of seeing her.

“Clearly, teaching homeroom.”

“But…but…” I tried to make sense of this. “You live in Wellington.”

“Lived. Past tense,” she corrected. “I needed a change after I broke up with my ex, and when I saw the position advertised here, I went for it.”

“You must have remembered—”

“What?” She stood and rounded her desk, all five and a half feet of her in strappy sandals with a two-inch heel. Her outfit was more demure than the one she’d worn at the motorcycle show, a pale pink blazer and black pencil dress, but she still didn’t look like any teacher I’d ever known. “The fact that a guy I hooked up with once lives here? Come on, Warren. Even if I had remembered—which I didn’t—how could I have known your daughter would be in my class? Or that you even had a daughter? It’s not as if we wasted any time talking about our personal lives.”

I yanked a chair out from behind one of the desks and dropped into it, partially to conceal my erection, and partly because she was right. We’d done many things, but talking hadn’t been among them, except for when it came to expressing just how good we made each other feel. She was very vocal in bed. Incredibly sexy. But apparently, she was also my teenaged daughter’s favorite teacher, and most likely much younger than me. Her age hadn’t mattered for a hookup, but if she was under any illusion we might pick things back up now that she was here, that wasn’t going to happen. She’d been an indulgence, since I was away from Ruby for a night, but she couldn’t become a habit.

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