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She shrugged. “It’s school. Everyone gossips, even the teachers. I heard Mrs. Winston and Mrs. Trove talking about it.”

“That’s inappropriate,” I grumbled.

“What do you care?” she challenged. “You didn’t even pay attention to her.”

I sighed. Called out by my thirteen-year-old daughter. And to think, I had years more of this to look forward to.



For the next week and a half, I couldn’t get Warren out of my head, even though the few times I’d seen him, he’d been distant and couldn’t have seemed more disinterested if he’d tried. Ruby took to catching me after school most days to give me updates on how things were going, and in some cases, it seemed, just to chat. She managed to bring her dad into nearly every conversation, and if I didn’t know better, I’d have thought she was trying to talk him up to me.

On the last Friday of summer, I met my friend, London, at the local pub, aptly named Drunken Destiny. London was also new to town. We’d met at the coffee shop and bonded over a love of caffeine and this little town we both now inhabited. Although, technically, London didn’t live in Destiny Falls. She’d purchased a ramshackle farm property a few miles out of town and intended to turn it into a dog shelter and horse trekking operation.

I arrived at the pub before London, so I grabbed a menu and found a table in the corner. When London tumbled through the door, nearly tripping over her own feet, I grinned. I’d already figured out that my new friend had the coordination of a drunk puppy. She righted herself, blushing ferociously, and glanced around as if to make sure nobody had seen. Of course, everyone had. Her blush deepened, made more obvious by her fair complexion, and she scuttled over to me.

“Hey, Hannah.”

“Hi, London.” I rose and greeted her with a hug. “Having a nice day?”

Her dark eyes darted left and right before focusing on me. “There were a few mishaps, but everything is okay now.”

I fought the urge to smile. Not only was London clumsy, but she was also accident prone. It was a sore point for her. “I’m glad it’s sorted.”

“How about you?” she asked, sinking onto a chair. “Have you had any run-ins with Sexy Daddy lately?”

I sighed. “Alas, no.”

Not that I should want to cross paths with him. It was probably for the best that he was keeping his distance, since he clearly regretted anything ever happening between us. Unfortunately, I just couldn’t seem to stop thinking about him and wishing things were different.

She pulled a face. “Never mind. Let’s get a drink and pretend we don’t care.”

“Sounds good. I’ll get them while you decide what you want to order.” I stood, ready to head to the bar, but at that moment London’s eyes boggled and she gaped in horror at the pub entrance. I looked over my shoulder and noticed Warren coming in with another man, just as gorgeous as he was. His friend stood a couple of inches shorter than Warren, and was a little leaner, with neatly trimmed blond hair and a face that wasn’t hard to look at.

London shoved her chair back and dropped to her knees, ducking behind the table.

I frowned. “What are you doing?”

“Don’t look at me,” she hissed. “Act like I’m not here. I have to go.”

I tried hard not to stare at her, but it was difficult not to acknowledge her unusual behavior. “Um, okay.”

“Can you distract them for me?” she asked, gesturing toward the men at the door.

My stomach plunged. I didn’t really want to approach Warren and his friend, but London was distressed, and I couldn’t leave her in the lurch. “I want an explanation later.”

She nodded furiously and motioned for me to move. Plastering a smile on, I made my way to the duo and stopped in front of them.

“Hi Warren. Nice to see you here.”

Grooves appeared in his forehead. He looked surprised. “Hannah.”

We stood there for a moment, neither of us adding anything else.

I cleared my throat and turned to the other guy. “I don’t think we’ve met.”

“We haven’t. I’m Cal.” He stuck out a hand and I shook it. His grip was warm and firm. “Are you new in town?”
