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I stretched, enjoying the way my muscles loosened, and rolled onto my back, looking up into a pair of bright green eyes set in a rugged face. My cheeks flushed as I realized I’d have beard burn today from that sexy black scruff rubbing over my skin.


He smiled back, his expression soft. “Hi.”

If I’d been worried how he’d react this morning, those concerns evaporated. He clearly wasn’t upset, and he didn’t seem to be blowing hot and cold, or to have any regrets.

“I’m making pancakes,” he said. “The first one is about to go into the pan.”

“Pancakes?” I perked up. I didn’t usually do much for breakfast beyond coffee, but I loved a good pancake.

“With chocolate chips,” he added sheepishly. “Because that’s how Ruby likes them, and they’ve grown on me too.”

“Sounds good.” I sat up, the sheets pooling around my waist, and enjoyed the flare of desire in his eyes. Ignoring the urge to tempt him back into bed, I got up and pulled on yesterday’s clothes.

“Sorry I don’t have a change of clothes for you,” he said. “I doubt anything of Ruby’s would fit.”

“Probably not. But it doesn’t bother me. I wouldn’t mind brushing my hair and using some mouthwash though.”

He nodded. “Go for it. You know where the bathroom is. Come find me in the kitchen when you’re done.”

“Thanks.” I stretched onto my toes to kiss his cheek, then excused myself to take care of business and do a little primping.

When I joined Warren in the kitchen, he was pouring two mugs of coffee, adding a spoonful of sugar and a splash of milk to mine.

I grinned. “I can’t believe you remember how I like my coffee.”

He looked a little embarrassed. “It wasn’t that long ago we shared a breakfast.”

I pressed my lips together to refrain from pointing out that most people wouldn’t remember someone’s coffee preference from nearly two months ago. It was sweet that he did. “So, do you have pancakes often? They smell great.”

He passed me a mug and took the other for himself, glancing at the skillet. “Most weekends we’ll have them either Saturday or Sunday. It’s kind of a tradition.”

I melted a little more inside. “That’s a nice tradition. When are you expecting Ruby home?”

“She messaged earlier to say it would be just after lunch.”

“I’ll make sure to clear out before then.” We had a new ease with each other, and I didn’t want to ruin that by hanging around and making him uncomfortable.

“Thanks.” He leaned over and kissed my cheek, then flipped a pancake. He went to the pantry and returned with a bottle of maple syrup and two plates. I sipped my coffee, then froze, hearing faint noises outside. There was a metallic click and the sound of a door opening, followed by a voice.

“Hi, Dad. I came home early because the Carswells had family drop by to visit.” Footsteps bounced through the entrance and then Ruby appeared in the kitchen doorway. Her eyes widened almost comically, darting back and forth from her bare-chested father to me.

“Oh, wow,” she squeaked, throwing her hands over her eyes. “Oh, my God. I didn’t need to see that. I’m mentally scarred.”

An inappropriate laugh burst out of me, and I covered my mouth and turned to Warren, horrified that we’d been outed so quickly after all of my reassurances that we’d make sure Ruby wasn’t hurt by what we were doing. I wasn’t sure whether I should leave so he could explain this to his daughter—or deny it. His jaw was slack, and he looked stunned, but then he straightened his shoulders.

“Morning, Rubes. This is unexpected.”

“Put a shirt on!” she exclaimed. “Jeez, Dad.”

He glanced at me and rolled his eyes. “Not like you haven’t seen it before.”

“Yeah, but not when Miss Olson was here, staring at you like a tasty snack,” she snarked back.

My face heated. “Should I go?”

“No.” He held up a hand. “Wait a sec and I’ll grab a shirt.”
