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I shook my head.Snap out of it, hussy.“Good to know, Romeo. Come on… selfie time.”

“And you might be surprised by how I am in the bedroom. Shocked even.” He dropped onto the bed and scooted in next to me.

“Sure I would.” I snorted and slung my arm over his shoulder and angled the lens just right. The tequila swirling in his gut thought he talked a good game, but I was not biting. “Now smile.”

Chance was going to lose his shit, and I couldn’t be happier. I was perfectly sober, but Nick was sporting a super cozy buzz and he’d leaned into me in a way I knew Chance had never seen before. In the background, the toy collection hanging on the door promised one hell of a night.

Ah, solid ground. Charlie the troublemaker, perfectly sober, plying Saint Nick with alcohol and seducing him into a night of debauchery.

I tossed a tongue emoji on it and typed ROOMIES! in all caps before sending it off.

Then I silenced my cell.Have a good night, bro.

“God, I’m tired,” he muttered next to me.

“You’re lit.”

He gave me a thumbs-up and dropped his arm just to have his fingers land on the massager. His eyebrows drew together, and he yanked his hand back.

I picked it up and held it up between us. “Don’t be scared… if you’re so worried about your virtue, this is your best friend.”

“That looks like a goddamned virtue collector for a giant.”

“Ha! Good one. The fear in your eyes means you won’t cross it. Your virtue is safe. You were so worried about my vagina having teeth, but see, no teeth marks.”

He stretched and his jeans slid lower. “We’re sleeping with it?”

I glanced up at his face. His face was safe. Except his head lolled in my direction. His eyes slid closed partway, and a sloppy grin played over his mouth.

“Yup. Right between us. He enjoys being the little spoon.”

He let out a deep, grating laugh that had my nipples pebbling painfully hard under my tank top. Saint Nick transformed into Stunningly Sexy Nick in that moment and knocked the air from my lungs.

I blamed the potatoes for this.



All those who got a good night of sleep raise your hand.

Oh look, not a single hand in the air. That tracks.

I dragged my weary ass to the coffee bar and grabbed a steaming cup of confidence. No way I was joining the table without something to keep me on my toes. A tall cup of coffee with a shot of espresso would ensure I conjured up the perfect comeback at just the right time should the need arise.

The minute I walked into the room, Nick’s mom’s eyes landed on me and hadn’t stopped tracking me since. Our families did everything together growing up. Summers spent at the lake with huge barbecues, boating, and bonfires. Winters on the slopes not only here, but on family trips to Utah and Colorado.

I’d never once felt like a pariah with the McAdams family. My family, sure, that’s what happened when you were one of three kids who all went off and became who they were in their hearts and not who their mother wanted them to be. None of this ever seemed to bother Nick’s mother, but then, she’d never had to worry about me being anything other than her best friend’s daughter.

My mom had likely spent the better part of their night gushing over my conquest with my dad. I could only imagine the choice things Nick’s mom said to his.

Maybe I’d test all the waters this morning. I grabbed a monster Danish. Lots of calories. Fat for days. Turning to the table, I spotted Daniel taking a seat, his eyes finding me almost immediately.

What the fuck was he up to anyway?

To say we hadn’t ended well would be a colossal understatement. He cheated, I caught him, and instead of raving like a lunatic, or exacting public revenge like so many women would, I went straight for very personal revenge.

It made me wonder if he was really here hoping to find a way back in with me or if my mother summoning him had everything to do with payback.
