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DEAN: That’s good. I gotta ask, why the full-size spare?

RILEY: LOL I wondered if you’d ask. As you probably realized, dealing with car issues isn’t exactly simple for me. My family gets a bit anxious about these things, so my dad made me put a full-size tire in place of a spare just in case.

DEAN: Smart.

Well, this conversation is boring as fuck. I really do suck at flirting if the first chance I get to text with a woman I’m attracted to, I talk about tires, of all things.

RILEY: This is kind of awkward, but I also want to thank you for how you handled my needing some extra help, you know, carrying me to your truck. You were super respectful, and that means a lot.

DEAN: You’re welcome, but it was nothing.

RILEY: It wasn’t nothing, not to me. I know we just met, and barely spent any time together, but I feel like I can say this. Mila was right when she said you were a good guy, Dean. I’m glad it was you she sent.

DEAN: I’m glad too.



DEAN: Hey beautiful, sorry again I missed our chat last night. How was the job search today?

When Dean’s nightly text comes through, I’m already in bed trying not to be too obsessive about watching my phone for his message. This has become a routine over the last few weeks. We text during the day and every night. Except for last night when Dean had some meetings for his bar that opens in less than a month.

RILEY: How did your meetings go? Find a manager yet? I’ve got two more interviews scheduled with some non-profit housing organizations, but they’re both in Victoria.

DEAN: That’s awesome. Not gonna lie, wish they were closer *winky face* but I’ll be cheering you on no matter what. And no, no manager yet. Too bad I can’t just hire you… That would solve all our problems.

It’s a good thing I live alone right now because the smile on my face is a mile wide. Over three weeks of almost daily texting, Dean has made no attempt to hide how much he wants me in Dogwood Cove. Not that he’s saidwhyexactly, so I’m not entirely sure he wants me there as a friend or as something more. But every time we talk, it seems like the line between friendship and romantic relationship gets a bit blurrier.

It might seem weird to be developing feelings for a man I’ve only seen in person once, and not at my finest moment, but there’s something about Dean that calls to me, draws me in, and makes me never want to leave.

RILEY: Not so sure I’m bar material LOL. But thank you. I’m holding out hope for something closer to Dogwood Cove as well. Mila is desperate for me to be in town.

DEAN: Mila’s not the only one who wants you here babe.

I chew on my thumbnail trying to decide how to respond. He’s upping the flirt factor big time tonight, and I’m not experienced enough to know how to handle it. God, why are men so confusing?

RILEY: Thanks, Dean.

Nope, that’s dumb. I delete, and try again.

RILEY: I want to be there too.

Definitely not.Third time’s a charm I hope.

RILEY: Hopefully I’ll be there soon, even if it’s just a visit. If I end up working in Victoria I mean.

DEAN: Hopefully. Okay, I better let you sleep so you can rock those interviews. Orrrr…. Do I keep you up so you bomb them and don’t get the job? *devil emoji*

RILEY: Omg. You’re terrible. I should get some sleep though.

DEAN: g’night Ri.

RILEY: Night Dean.

I put my phone down on my bedside table and close my eyes. Something tells me I’ll be falling asleep smiling again tonight.

The next morning, as I’m getting ready for my phone interviews with the Victoria-based organizations, my phone buzzes again. When I see Dean’s name, I can’t deny my heart skips a beat.

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