Page 107 of The Vow

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King Madden starts barking. I fall out of my role and go to his cage, sticking my fingers between the bars and stroking his fur again. "It's okay, sweetie. Lie down and go to sleep. We're going to be right in this room with you." I push him into the position the same way Riggs did, and he curls into the bed and then quiets.

I coo, "Good boy. See, it's nice. Just like Riggs said. It's your own space."

I rise and turn toward Riggs. He holds up his finger and leaves the room, saying into the phone, "Tell those morons we're on Pacific time. If they don't get their shit together, I'm getting a different team on this."

Relieved it's a work issue, I go to the opposite corner, hoping Riggs will return soon. I assume my position with my back straight, my ass on my calves, and my hands folded in my lap. I look down at them.

King Madden whines. It starts off low and grows louder.

My heart races and I'm so guilty I break my position, glancing at him.

He barks three times, returns to his whine, then barks again.

I can't help it, and I break my kneeling position. I rise, quickly go to him, and reprimand, "It's time to sleep." I try to get him to lie down, but he doesn't want to.

He keeps whining and barking. And I finally get him to quiet, surprised that Riggs still isn't back into the room. I return to the corner, but as soon as I kneel, King Madden returns to barking.

I get back up, go over to him, and finally take him out of the cage. I put him on the bed and get eye level with him. I order, "Go to sleep."

Riggs isn't going to like it. He told me earlier,"There's no way King Madden's coming into our bed."But I don't see any other option, so we'll have to avoid that section of the mattress.

Satisfied King Madden looks happy, I resume kneeling and stare at my hands.

King Madden barks, and I stay in position but scold him in a hushed tone, "Shush!"

The room quiets. I give myself a high five for solving the problem, even if Riggs won't approve of it, but I'm sure my maid outfit will help him forgive me. Or maybe he'll decide to punish me, which I won't mind either.

Maybe he'll put me over his knee and spank me.

He could chain me to the headboard and edge me for hours, not letting me come.

He could flog me.

The longer that time passes, the more I become obsessed with Riggs punishing me. I'm unsure how long Riggs is gone before I hear the door open.

Goose bumps pop out on my skin, but then Riggs's voice booms, "You've got to be kidding me."



Blakely's body stiffens. She stays in her position, but her shoulders flex from my outburst. Her round ass is in full view, minus a little ruffle around the hip area.

I groan inside, thinking about how much I've missed everything about my pet. And there are several things I want to do to those cheeks.

King Madden kneels behind my wife, with his butt on the ground and his back arched. His white fur sticks up, and his ears perk toward the ceiling, but his eyes stay focused on Blakely.

I'm never getting laid again.

I crouch in front of Blakely and tilt her chin up. I inquire, "Why is the dog out of his cage?"

Her eyes widen, making my dick ache more. She puts on a sweet voice and answers, "Sorry, Sir. He was upset and wouldn't stop barking. So I put him on the bed. I figured we could avoid that space so he doesn't bark."

"You figured?" I question, peering into her blues.

She bats her eyes. "Yes, Sir. I assumed you wanted me fully focused on dusting the furniture. Or maybe changing the sheets? Or perhaps you have some other needs I could give my attention to?" She drags her eyes down my body, focusing on my cock, and licks her lips. Then she swallows hard and slowly lifts them, pinning her innocent, questioning gaze on me.

The blood heats in my veins, racing through my body, rushing straight to my balls. She's playing this little maid part perfectly, even with King Madden being a nuisance.
