Page 36 of The Agreement

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I try to pull away, but he doesn’t release me.

"Is that what this is about?” His eyes gleam. “You feel something for me?"

I search his features. There’s a funny note in his voice, something I can’t quite place.

"Is that what this is about, Abby? You have feelings for me, and you think I should reciprocate them?"

I look away, but he grips my chin and turns it, so I don’t have a choice but to meet his gaze. "Is that it, Abby?"

I swallow, wanting to tell him no. That it’s not about that. That I haven’t harbored feelings for him since high school. That, of course, this isn’t about me hoping for a romantic relationship with him, after all this time. But when I open my mouth, what comes out is—"Yes."

"I didn’t hear you."

"Yes." I tip up my chin. "Yes, I have feelings for you. I—” I swallow.Don’t say it. Don’t.“I’m in love with you.”

He blinks, then throws his head back and laughs. He laughs so hard, his entire body shakes. He releases his hold on me and staggers back. "You think I’m going to reciprocate your emo-shit? That I’m going to fall in love with you?" he manages to choke out between his guffaws.

Heat suffuses my face. My heart feels like it’s going to burst through my ribcage. "Why is that funny?" I burst out.

He stops laughing, then glares at me. "Because there can never be anything between us."

I lock my fingers together. "There’s already something between us."

"Sure, I’m physically attracted to you, but that means nothing. You’re a hole— a very convenient hole—I occasionally like to toy with. You’re nothing more to me."

I tip up my chin. "So why are you here? Why is it that when you get so drunk you can barely see straight, you come here, huh? Why not go to any one of your various women that you like to be photographed with?"

He pauses for long enough that I think he might actually admit he cares for me. Then, he looks me up and down and says, "I have to keep up appearances. Your family connections are the ticket to consolidating my position in society and getting even more sponsorship roles, and I need people to believe we’re a couple. You have to admit, the two of us together make a great picture."

My throat closes. A tickling sensation teases my nostrils. I shake my head in disbelief. “You don’t mean it.” I sniff. “You’re only saying this because of the alcohol coursing through your veins.”

He stares at me, then nods. “You’re right.”

“I am?”

He nods. “Iamdrunk, as you pointed out, and horny. Where better to scratch my itch than with the whore who’s always ready to spread her legs for me?”

I reel back as if he slapped me.He doesn’t know what he’s saying. He’s not in his senses.

“I know exactly what I’m saying”—his lips curl—“and I’ll remember every single thing when I’m sober. You’re nothing but a willing slut for me. Albeit, a slut with family connections, which will help consolidate my position in society and get better sponsorship roles.”

“I... I don’t believe you,” I whisper.

“Better believe it, doll. You’re the ticket to more money and influence, and nothing more.“

My throat closes. A tickling sensation teases my nostrils. If there were ever a time he might slip up and admit his feelings for me, it’s now when he’s drunk. Instead, it’s clear the alcohol has only loosened his tongue so all the hate he’s stored up inside is bubbling to the surface.

"S-so that’s all we are? A social media opportunity?"

"You said it, baby."

The backs of my eyes burn. "And there’s nothing else between us?"

He yawns. "You’re boring me. But if you want me to repeat it, then yes, there’s nothing between us. We can never be anything, Abby, and the sooner you accept that, the better it’ll be for you. Now,"—he glances around, then heads in the direction of my bedroom—"I need to get some sleep if I want to be on time for practice tomorrow."

"Huh?" I stare, open-mouthed, as he weaves his way through the open door and toward my bed. "Hey, what are you doing?" I head inside the room, but he’s already face down on my mattress.

"Cade, get up!" I shake his shoulder, but there’s no response. "Cade, wake up. This is not your bed; it’s mine. And after what you said, if you think I’m going to let you stay here, you’re wrong. Cade—" His deep breathing interrupts me. "The hell?"

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