Page 106 of Feel My Love

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I ran my hand through my hair. “I screwed things up the other night when I said I was leaving town. I have some work to do.”

“It sounds like you do.”

“But I have time. I’m not leaving.”

He raised a brow. “You got a plan?”

“First, I’m going to ask Ben and Brooke to watch Hunter and Brody, so we can talk.”

Ethan tipped his head to the side. “That’s your grand gesture? Talking?”

“First, I wanted to settle things with Austin. Then I want to buy this house. When I first inquired, the owner was interested in a rent-to-sale situation. And then I want to tell Abby she’s my future. Her and the baby. Hunter and Brody.”

“That’s not half bad. I wish you luck.”

Gratitude filled my body. “Thanks for being there today and every other time I called.”

“We’re more than cousins. We’re friends.” Ethan hugged me, something we rarely did but was sorely needed at that moment. I needed reassurance that I was on the right track.

“You think Abby will come around?” I asked when I followed him outside.

Ethan was thoughtful before finally saying, “I think so. It might be a hard road to get there.”

I stuffed my hands in my pockets, rocking on my heels. “I’m prepared to do anything. To wait until she trusts me.”

“Then you’ll do just fine,” Ethan said before opening the door to his car.

I watched him drive away, hoping he was right. I was an ass on the phone. I didn’t even think before I talked. I was only concerned about myself and what Brody and I were going through. I hadn’t taken the time to be careful of her feelings and what she’d think about us moving.

As I walked inside, it hit me all over again. Abby was pregnant. I was going to be a dad. It was like I had everything I’d ever wanted. Brody, a home, and now, a future. I just had to secure it. Show her I loved her and was here to stay. The best way to do that was through action.

First, I called Ben. Ethan forwarded me the realtor’s information, and I contacted her next. Lastly, I called my attorney to discuss expediting the custody matter since Austin was incarcerated. Then I asked her for a referral for a criminal attorney.

By the time I was done, Brody was parked in front of the TV, and I was starving.

“How are you doing?” I asked, sitting next to him.

“I’m starving,” he said, not even glancing away from the screen.

“Me too.”

“Are we staying?” His question was hesitant.

“Are you on board with that?” I asked, considering his expression carefully.

“I don’t want to leave. I just want the kids to leave me alone,” he said forcefully.

“I think that’s going to get a lot better soon. Your dad’s going to do the right thing. He’s going to talk to the police about who’s responsible for the other break-ins.”

Brody’s forehead wrinkled. “He didn’t do it?”

I gathered my thoughts before I responded, “I think he got into some trouble. Started hanging out with the wrong crowd. Got into something that was bigger than he thought.”

Brody nodded. “Okay.”

“Are you interested in living here permanently?”

His eyes widened. “We can?”

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