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“Those poor uniforms don’t stand a chance,” I murmured, pressing the plastic cup to my cheeks, though the ice had already melted. “I thought you were all for photos and the like? I didn’t get dressed up for no reason,” I joked, elbowing him a little in the ribs.

“Today isn’t about me and my career,” Acton muttered, staring over my head.

I frowned, turning to follow his line of sight. Jake returned Acton’s stare and raised a takeaway coffee mug. “Then, what am I doing here?” I smiled, but Acton didn’t notice. His hand remained on the small of my back, what had been a reassuring presence became a tense moment.

“Be right back,” Acton said. He gave my waist a quick squeeze and disappeared into the crowd—no mean feat when he stood ahead and a half above the rest of the people in it on a usual day, but today the audience was full of men who looked just like him.

I clutched my empty iced tea cup until the plastic creaked. Looking around, I found a table and placed it at the back corner, thanking the white-haired lady who peered at me shortsightedly.

It had been a mistake. Without something to hold, or Andy or Acton to talk to, I found myself too alone in a large group of people who I had nothing in common with whatsoever, except for the man who just left me on my own.

Didn’t he say he wouldn't do that?

I tried to recall if that had been part of our initial bartering over my side of the fake relationship proposition. Maybe I’d made it up, or thought that was part of his promise to me.

Either way, I desperately wanted an exit strategy, though none was forthcoming.

“He’s off with Archer.” A tall shadow, though not as long as the one Acton cast, covered me.

I blinked at the white-haired Ranger. “Do you guys come short at all?”

Jake shrugged. “An old hang-up from the six foot two inches police standard, I suppose, if an outdated one. Sure, a tall man looks good in a shirt but height has nothing to do with his brain capacity.”

“True,” I allowed, squeezing my hands together. “Ah, did you say Acton was with his—your boss?” I stumbled over the words, peering around him at the empty stage. Neither Acton nor his boss were anywhere in sight.

“How are you managing?” Jake asked casually.

I looked up at the forced light tone. “Did you just try to bullshit me?”

Someone nearby coughed. I ignored it.

Jake’s grin widened. “Acton Man has bitten off more than he can handle with this little spitfire, hasn’t he?”

“He’s fine. I just don’t—” I pressed my lips into a tight line, used to being able to speak my mind and missing the freedom of it. “Can you point me in his direction, please?”

Jake sent me a pitying look I wasn’t certain I’d earned. “Hon, if you’re not comfortable with whatever Cunningham goaded you into, you’re not stuck to it. I’ll walk you home or to your car if you need.”

I blinked at him. “I beg your pardon?” My skin prickled beneath his steady stare, leaving me in a hyper aware state. Conversation around me grew to a roar and I couldn't focus. “What do you mean?”

“You’re not dumb, because you’re Ella’s friend and she's a smart girl and likes clever company. So don’t behave that way. We both know you’re not really dating Cunningham.”

“That doesn't leave you free to hit on me,” I snapped, then winced.

“Damn,” Jake murmured, grinning like a lunatic. “My girl would have my balls tied to a spit roast if I cheated on her and there’s no chance in hell of that. You're cute, but she’s mine.”

“Good to know.” I circled him warily. “What’s your point, Ranger?”

“Oh, hell. He’s going to have a time with you. He’s over there.” Jake spun me on my heel and pointed in the direction of the far side of the crowd. “If you need him to have a wake up call, tell me and I’ll take pleasure in bitch slapping him for whatever he’s not doing right.”

“He’s doing just fine,” I said defensively, folding my arms over my chest, though Ella had warned me not to. The dress rose and hot air flicked the backs of my thighs.

“Uh huh. Don’t get attached to the man. That’s all I’m going to say. Save yourself a broken heart, huh?” Jake gave me a gentle push between the shoulder blades, propelling me into the crowd.

When I looked back, he was gone and I stood alone in the middle of the crowd.


