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Floss:How’s your investigation going?

She’d reached out in the middle of the night, which meant I’d screwed up with her worse than I thought. I wanted to talk about work, about the investigation, but that was something I’d do with a real partner and Floss...I cursed and rocked my head back on my pillow, option to reply with something inane. Maybe that was a mistake, too.

Acton:Can’t sleep either, huh?

Floss:I was thinking about the event. You were...distracted.

Acton:Yeah, I suck as a date. It’s official. I’d say it's why I don’t do this shit but I’d be lying.

Floss:What’s the real reason?

Acton:I’m a coward. My heart still remembers what broken feels like

Floss:Aren’t you the romantic?

She followed that comment up with a tiny pair of pink hearts.

Acton:Better believe it. Sometimes what I feel just doesn’t make it to the surface.

Floss:Ohh, denial. Burn, baby.

I snorted.

Acton:Appreciate it. Thanks.

Floss:Well. Sorry I woke you up or whatever. Night.

I stared at the message, but there were no dots under it that said she was still thinking. The conversation was over. I’d killed it, and I had no idea how.

Acton:Goodnight, Floss. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.

I had to let her go. She was needy one minute, and throwing up walls the next. I had no idea how to break them down, only how to make sure I didn't screw her life up any further by trying to make her something she wasn’t. The funny thing was, I didn't need to, after everything. Ansy had talked up the relationship thing early on, but Archer me aside halfway through the reception. I could still hear his words inside my head.

“If you bring a woman to an event, it’s courtesy to stay with her.” Archer stood with his hands clasped behind his back as we watched our third OD carted away in an ambulance.

I’d said goodbye to Floss over an hour prior, and I winced when the realization hit me that I hadn’t checked up that she got home. I withdrew my phone from my pocket, turning it over in my hand. “You’re right. I’m sorry.”

“I’m not the pretty girl dating you, Cunningham, and she won’t be either if you don’t get your act together.” Rhys Archer turned blazing eyes on me that stripped away every inch of the bullshit I’d put up as a facade.

“Noted, sir.”

“Don’t ‘sir’ me, not after you’ve helped me clean up a woman who almost drowned in a puddle of her own vomit.” He sluiced a hand through sweat-streaked hair and put his hat back on. “You’re a solid Ranger, Cunningham. That’s not in doubt. But right now your personal integrity is.”

“Ouch.” I winced and nodded sharply. “I’ll work on it.”

“I remember having this conversation with another young Ranger not more than a year ago. Jake pulled his head out of his ass, and because of that, he’s still on my team. Choice is up to you.” Archer gave me a nod and turned on his heel, speaking softly to the paramedics who cleaned up the scene around us.

I flicked the screen of my phone up, ready to send out an apology to Floss. Somewhere in the background, screams and shouts started. Sighing, I slipped my phone back into my pocket, turning on my heel and taking off at a job.

Being a cop had been so much easier than this political bullshittery.

I blinked at the ceiling and checked my phone again. Floss hadn’t sent anything else, and I still hadn’t sent the apology message, what with all the distractions and interviewing family friends and victims at the hospital. I threw my phone once more, letting it freefall to the pillow beside me, and wondered why I’d bothered to buy a larger bed that suited more than one person when I was the only person who slept in it, and my legs still hung off the end of the bed.

I have to let her go.

She should be here, playing some mischief or letting me roll her onto her back and discover everything her body wanted. But I was too selfish to break it off with Floss without saying sorry in my own way first. My hand was on my cock as I thought about what I could do to make it up to her in a way she’d understand best.

