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I finished setting up what I needed for Floss an hour before she was due to arrive at the rustic ranch I’d borrowed from Bear Winslow for the night. The man was out on some overnight trek, the sort the mountain man favored that took him well away from the rest of civilization.

Candles created a curved path to a small hillock where I’d erected an arbor out of leftover timber from Bear’s shed. He’d given me carte blanche to do whatever I needed—I took that to mean within reason— for my night with her, the one she’d grudgingly accepted my invitation for, according to Andy. Not only had I broken her, now she was gunshy.

Another thing I needed to make up for.

Hence my change of Bear’s landscape. The big Ranger wasn’t the materialistic sort, and he spent less time at the ranch he’d built from scratch than he did out in a space he’d literally etched for himself between a canyon and a rock face at the far end of his enormous property. The place was far enough from the city lights to give a starscape like nothing else, but close enough that Floss wouldn’t have to get off the blacktop until she turned onto his drive.

I left a wreath of orchids at the fence line for Floss to find. Step one. Dinner under the stars was the second part of my plan. I hoped she’d let me get to stage three. Checking my work was complete, I worked my way back to the house to change and shower before she turned up and caught me in the buff.

A stupid ass smile spread over my face as I checked the wine was in the fridge at that idea, thoughts of Floss filling my head as I doused myself in cold water and soap suds. By the time I was finished, her car had turned onto the long drive that wound its way before a plume of red dust that kicked up behind her vehicle.

Floss was early.

Good thing she wasn’t the only organized one. I grinned as I buttoned my shirt. I didn’t care if she kicked my ass for how I treated her at the awards ceremony. All I wanted was a chance to put that sparkle back in her eyes.

Feeling her body pressed to mine would be a bonus—if she let me.

I headed out to meet her at the cleared yard where I parked my own truck. Her small yellow bubble looked cutely out of place next to my red giant. “Glad you made it out here easy enough.”

I grabbed for the driver's door as she rose, her blue gaze flashing over mine, half panicked and half defiant. I loved one and could lose the other, knowing I’d keep that defiant streak in her if I got any choice in the matter at all.

It wasn't like she’d let that happen, and that was another thing I loved about her.

She dressed in a pink and red flowy dress that swung around her knees, looking sexy and stunning as hell. Tan wedge sandals tied around her ankles with a dozen straps knotted on either side of her shins. She tossed back that glorious hair, her eyes sparkling blue under the sunset streaked sky.

Floss nodded behind me. “You put on a good show, Cunningham.”

I raised both brows. “I do, huh?”

“Your house?” She gestured to the ranch house.

I shook my head. “Hell, no. This belongs to another Ranger who let me borrow it for the evening.” I held out a hand and stopped breathing.

“Doesn't he need it?” She looked at me curiously, then took my hand, stepping toward the house.

“This way.” I led her around the side of the building to the row of candles that flickered beneath the darkening sky. “Bear isa...particular sort of crazy. He doesn't like people, and he doesn't like talking. More of a solo flier. He does a lot of undercover cattle poaching rings and the like. Offered this up because he’d come into town and I didn’t want to refuse the offer.”

“It’s beautiful.” Fliss closed her mouth but sent me a sideways glance, her brow doing, as if to askwhat’s this about? Though the words didn’t make it past her lips.

I stopped as she took in everything around her. The setting sun that sank below the far mountain range, the wide open vista across the plains. The candle light pathway that led to the top of the hillock I spent the day building.

“It is. Like you.” I turned her to face and blew out a sharp breath. “I’ve owed you an apology since I walked into your shop and broke your orchids.”

“Is that why there was one of the ga—”

I held up a hand. “Wait. I memorized this and I’m shit at speeches, so let me ramble for a bit.” Floss closed her mouth and sent me a bemused glance. I waited until I was sure she wouldn’t talk and then started again. “I took you out for dinner, and I didn't go inside with you after. I should have.” I went off the script and probably the reservation with that one, reaching out to toy with one of her curls. “And the next time I saw you I was so preoccupied with what was going on around me, I couldn’t see you. And you looked so pretty, all done up, but it wasn’t you. I’d stuffed you into the role of someone else’s life, or wife, and none of those things were what I wanted for you. So this is my crazy ass way of saying sorry. If you’ll let me.”

Floss stared at me open-mouthed. She leaned forward, cupping a hand around her mouth, stage whisper style. “You weren’t wrong about the speech delivery, but that was cute, Acton. I accept.”

“The apology? Flossy, I haven’t gotten started yet.”

She crinkled her nose. “Flossy?”

“Yup. You’re mine tonight. Or I can feed you and make sure you get home safe.”

Say you’ll stay with me.

“You want me here with you, all night?” she clarified carefully. Her head tilted to one side as she considered me. I nodded, not trusting my voice. Finally, she stepped forward, pressing her hands to my chest. “Then yes. I’ll stay.”

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