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I pulled my hand free, pressing both palms to his chest. “That was—” I gasped breath into a too small lung capacity. “I’ve never—”

“Fuck me, you’re beautiful,” Acton growled, pushing up to catch my face in his hand sand kissing me soundly. His cock thickened inside me and I moaned again. “Link your legs around me.” I let him rearrange me into a pretzel that cuddled his hips, his hands landing on my ass and squeezing tight. “Lean on me. I’ve got you.”

Acton thrust up into me, his hips flexing sharply as he pinned me against his cock. Once, then again, then— His hips pistoned into me as I dropped my forehead to his shoulder, clinging to him with my nails and licking the sweat lazily from his throat.

His body rocked mine until his thrusts jerked out of sequence. Heat rolled over me as he grew rougher, clutching my body tight to his. The feel of his cock swelling inside me combined with his roar threw me back into the land of bliss, and I collapsed with him into a world of pillows, beating hearts and safety.



The sun hadn’t hit the valley floor when I woke with Floss curled in my arms. My heart nearly tore at the sight of her sleeping heavily on me, like she trusted me to care for her. After the first round of incredible sex we picked at the fruit platter and wine, barely talking but always touching or kissing. I’d never been so comfortable with a woman with both of us naked for so long. Everywhere her lips touched me seared, like she’d marked me from the inside out as hers.

And all I wanted was to take her home, wrap her in my sheets and never leave.

But she’d shown me that my work got in the way of a relationship. The best I could do was give us both a better memory than the last we’d shared, and I was intent on making our hours last.

I shifted her body so she slipped off me onto the pillow pile, draping the blankets around her in a soft snuggly nest. I slid between her thighs, already hard at the sight of her. She mumbled sleepily as I kissed her lips, soft and pouty from last night. We’d been rough and now I wanted to give her a different sort of memory.

Her legs fell open as I covered my cock with a fresh condom, tracing the soft flesh of her inner thighs with my fingertips. She shivered in her sleep, rolling slightly, but I pressed my hands to her shoulders, flattening her beneath my body as I inched my way inside her hot and ready pussy.

She sighed, her eyelids fluttering open as I buried myself inside her.

“Morning, beautiful.”

Her breath stalled against my mouth as she shifted beneath my weight, her body tightening at the shock of the intrusion. Her moaning my name was the first thing I heard from her as I rocked gently, getting her used to my size.

“Morning,” she gasped, sliding her heels around the backs of my thighs to press into my ass. “Oh, god. Are you always going to wake me up like this?”

I stilled, bearing into her a little deeper. She frowned, but I moved again, sliding out and back into a rhythm her body showed me was the right one for her. Her hips jerked, and I held her to the blanket, kissing her while my heart pounded. I worked my thumb in a line along the inside of her hip as I thrust into her again, and she arched at the sensitive spot.

Her shattered cry as she came might have been the most beautiful thing I’d ever heard. The sun crested as she threw her head back, reveling in the pleasure that threaded its way through her body. She gripped my forearms, clinging to me through her orgasm as her bolster.

“So beautiful,” I murmured, kissing her gently.

My control held tight in check, unlike the night before, I worked her body through a series of increasing waves as she clung to me, kissing her every time she came on my cock, praising her. She shivered, begging and whimpering until my own need rocked the foundation I’d built, my hips snappingharder and dragging me into my own euphoria as I exploded inside her.

Sunlight warmed my back where she traced patterns along my spine when I raised my head, licking and kissing my way up her neck. Floss giggled, batting at me with gentle hands, the tension worn out of both of us, and stared at me with eyes filled with—

Fuck, if this isn’t a girl I could fall in love with.

Or maybe that already happened. From the way she looked at me, I was pretty sure she felt the same way. I kissed her again and held her until she wriggled.

“I hate to break this moment but I really need to use the bathroom.”

“You got it.” I brushed my lips across her temple, squeezing her gently.

She rose and dressed, running back along the path to the house. Bear had told me not to bother locking it. He didn’t and he reasoned we’d be as safe as he was well away from the general populace. Lying back with my hands laced behind my head, I understood his reasoning.

Maybe getting out of the city wasn’t a bad idea. I could keep my apartment, rent it maybe, and get something small, away from everything. For the first time in weeks since I’d joined Andy’s unit my mind was clear. Out here there was no unnecessary chatter apart from the scant wildlife that made their own noises, though my peace was towed at least fifty percent to the woman bouncing along the path to me.

“If you’re walking that well then I didn’t do my job properly,” I muttered against her mouth.

She laughed, slapping at me, as I worked my hands beneath her dress to free her panties from her legs. “You can’t be serious.”

“You’re right. I’m not.” I grinned though inside I had never felt more solemn.

I made love to my girl again as the world awoke, savoring every touch and kiss and moan, framing the moments for later. We packed up in silence and I kissed her again at her car, promising to drop in to see her at work later in the week. Tucking a yellow and pink flower behind her ear I watched as she drove away, my heart overfilled in my chest as though the damn thing would burst. I didn’t think I’d care.
