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Apparently so.

I bit back a groan as Miss Dahlia and Dolly watched on, bemusement curling lips and petals of the same share.

...And now we’re talking to plants. Excellent progress, Cunningham.

“Awesome. I also have a package for you?” She smiled brightly, though her fingers tightened around Dolly’s bright yellow pot. Tiny pink petals decorated the sides in a cascade of spring.

“Yeah.” My mouth dried up. “Yes, and these please.” I recovered enough of my manners to wave my posy about. “Sorry about the orchid.”

“Totally forgive because you know what an orchid is,” she said in a serious tone. Something sparkled in the depths of her blue eyes.

I tipped my head to one side. “You’re not Texan born, are you?”

“Ohhh, the Ranger is out in force today,” she chimed, heading toward the back of the store. “Was it my non-existent accent that gave it away?”

No. Your sense of humor is a bit screwy for this state is all.I managed to hold that thought in. “Could be some of your speech.”

“But it’s not, is it?” She grinned at me, almost buoyant as she chatted away, grabbing a card and reading details aloud. “Acton Cunningham, newest Texas ranger and...ohhh.” She pressed both lips together, her shoulders shaking. Her face turned a bright shade of pink, almost the same color as Dolly’s bloom.

“And?” I prompted, managing to keep a straight face.

“Ah, you and Andy are friends, right?” She closed both eyes and peeked at me from one. “ get along, huh?”

I watched her try to suppress whatever the hell my clearly ex-best friend had written on the note for the flowers I was meant to drop over to his aunt’s for organizing a tiramisu slab cake for my swearing in ceremony. Yes, she spoke differently. Her sense of humor was a bit skewed. But that wasn't quite it... I took in the tanned arms, the sun bleached hair that bobbed around her face in dirty blonde tangled waves like she’d just gotten out of the...

“California. South of LA?”

She blinked. Her mouth relaxed, her color coming back to its normal tanned hue as she beamed at me. “Yes! Huntington Beach. Born and bred.” Her eyes twinkled, and in a moment I could see her walking along the beach in a bikini, a sarong wrapped around her waist, beachy blonde locks blowing messily in the breeze in a perfect meld of easy going attitude and wild child.

Or maybeflower child.

Then her words registered, and I remembered her odd sense of humor.

“Was that a bread joke?” I asked warily, watching Dolly as she bobbed about with— “I don’t know your name.”

“Floss Buchanan. Ella hired me last month to help out with opening the shop and getting stock sorted plus a few other things. She wanted live flowers and while Ella can make arrangements like nothing else, her thumb is...what’s the opposite of green?”

“Black?” I offered, then cringed. “Damn. I am an asshole today.”

Floss Buchanan—her name rolled through my mind in a little wave of its own—nodded enthusiastically. “Yep! Sure you are. But that’s okay, newest Ranger. We all have off days. How’s Andy?”

I stared at her, my tongue twisted by trying to answer three questions at once. “Uh, he’s good, I’m sure. Wait. Why do you ask?”

“Because he—um...” Floss turned Dolly pink again and sighed. “Well, see for yourself.” She swiveled the screen around on its stand so I could read the notes for my order.

Acton Cunningham, newest Texas Ranger and ultimate virgin. Needs a good spanking and a great night to imbibe some fun times into his serious nature. Floss, take note.

“Jesus.” I swiped a hand over my face, knocking my hat to the floor. From the heat emanating from my skin, I guessedDollypinkwas the order of the day. “I’m so—”

Floss pealed into laughter, clutching my order in its box. “He’s such a charmer, isn’t he? I’m more ofa-thinker-and-a-lovergirl than ajoker and a fun timesgirl. But either way is probably fun.” Shwe smiled and her lips twitched as she watched me, not handing over the parcel.

Okey-dokey. Here we go.

I picked up my hat and left my ego on the floor. “Yes, I’m the newest Texas Ranger, not that it will hold if I kill my best friend anytime soon.” I grinned to let her know I was joking as her eyes widened the slightest amount.God, she’s breathtaking.“I take myself way too seriously, so Andy’s right on that account. Not a virgin, so sorry about that but not a man slut either. And I’ll leave the spankings to others, thanks. I don’t mind a bit of spice in my sex life but skin to skin is more the level for me.” I stopped talking and the shop fell totally and utterly silent.

Floss stared at me, her humor faded, replaced with a brand new sheen of pink that might have been embarrassment incarnate, but came closer to...

Did I just turn my little florist on?

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