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We shared a week together after that moment.

The relationship between the two of us has become something quite different than what I was expecting. We share a living space, and for someone—namely me—who’s not used to being under the same roof as others, we’ve surprisingly settled into a routine of sorts.

While we haven’t declared anything official yet, other people are starting to notice and point out how I no longer scowl all the time and how they don’t have to walk on eggshells around me anymore—at least half the time. They know something has changed, but they have no idea what or who’s the reason for it.

For the first few days, we worked on getting her settled. I offered the guest room upstairs and bought her whatever she needed. If I thought she was beautiful when she still had dirt and grime all over, the Camilla I saw post-shower was drop-dead gorgeous. She takes my breath away each time my eyes land on her. I can’t even imagine what she had to deal with when she lived with her father.

She insisted on keeping the dress, but I also managed to convince her to go shopping. She’s blooming before my very eyes, and it’s getting infinitely harder to keep my hands to myself. Bright eyes, clear, smooth skin, plump lips, small nose—everything about her is perfect. I think about all the risks I’ve taken to make her mine, and fuck yes, it’s all worth it.

When I met her, her cheeks were a bit hollow, and she looked a little gaunt—perhaps owing to the fact that they rarely had food on the table, but her father splurged on a car. Now that she doesn’t have to skip meals anymore, her cheeks are fuller, her skin glowing.

I paid to have a professional hairstylist visit her at home. In a few hours, Camilla’s transformation is complete. I have to remind myself every now and then that she’s real and not a figment of my imagination. Every time I look at her, I discover something new.

Her life right now is a world away from her previous one, but she constantly surprises and amazes me because she’s taken it all in stride. She has to adjust and learn so many things, but she never refuses or backs down. Her smile is genuine, and I can tell she’s happy. Looking at her and seeing her glow does things to me. She’s enjoying this lap of luxury because it’s all new and unfamiliar. Eventually, it’ll lose its novelty, and she’ll miss the simple things.

That’s something I understand and can relate to. At one point, I looked around, saw all the expensive cars, designer clothes, and every gadget and gizmo I could waste my money on, and realized that I was emptier than before I had money lining my pockets. There’s a hollowness inside of me that no success or money could ever fill—until Camilla.

“Daddy, is everything okay?” Having already finished her breakfast and simply twirling a fork around atop her plate, she looks at me under her long, dark lashes. My plate is still full, while hers is totally empty. This girl loves food, and I like watching her enjoy every morsel she puts into her mouth.

My thoughts about what we’re going to do from here on out are different. I don’t just think it’s her; I KNOW IT. All my life, I’ve worked hard to achieve everything I now have. But it’s never enough. I’ve always wanted more.

But sitting across from her, eating homemade meals—it’s something I’d like to do every day for the rest of my life. Before her, I didn’t have dreams. I had goals. With her filling every single space in this house, I think about things I’ve never even considered a year ago—dreams of making her my wife, having a family, being a father, and us growing old together.

For days, I wrestled with these thoughts, arguing with myself that it wasn’t me, that wasn’t who I was. After waking up this morning and seeing her face light up, I realize it’s a losing battle. This girl is already filling the gaps within me.

“Yeah,” I respond, letting out a sigh as I finish off the tall glass of orange juice she’s kind enough to pour me. Camilla is in the process of learning proper table manners and general etiquette, and her personal tutor is impressed with her progress. When I finally decide to introduce her to the family, I want her to feel confident. I don’t want her to be insecure and uncomfortable. After all, I’m the boss, and everyone else bows down to my queen. “Just thinking about some other stuff.”

“Oh? Like what?” She tilts her head to the side and puts down her fork.

“There’s something I need to do later,” I reply, knowing full well what’s in store for her today. I’ve spent the whole week preparing to get her a job in one of my dealerships. Inasmuch as I want to keep her in the house, I also want to introduce her to the family business. Of course, after her first day at work, I’ll steal her away—someplace nice, where it’s just me and her.

“Oh? That sounds like fun!” She beams at me, and just like that, I’m a goner. I’ve been living for that smile since the day I brought her home.

Damn it. That feeling again, the lightness in my chest.

One side of my mouth lifts up. She has no idea about the things I have in mind, but ‘fun’ is one word to describe it.

Not all business anymore, are you, Cassio?

I laugh to myself, barely able to keep up my serious demeanor anymore. I keep on thinking about Camilla far too much, even if she’s beside me, across me, or anywhere inside the house. I guess this is what it’s like to have a family that you care about… even though technically, she’s not family.

For the time being.

We can fix that little bump in the road.

“Hey, if you’re all finished, we can get going. I want to show you something at the dealership.” I stand up and fix my white shirt, leaving my plate half full. “I’ve got to get to work soon and I figure you can come with me.”

“Are you sure?”She hesitates before standing up, wiping her mouth daintily with a napkin. Yep, she’s adjusting really well here. “That won’t mess up your work stuff or anything, will it?”

“No, it won’t.” I smile, coming over to her as she stands up from the table as well, putting my arm around her shoulders. “I think you’ll like what I’ve got set up for you.”

* * *

I wishI could have gotten those moments on camera—when the team and I told her that she has a job and will be working there. She listened intently as one of my managers walked her through what a day-to-day looks like, what her responsibilities are, and how she’d eventually take on more tasks.

She wouldn’t stop smiling, and it was so infectious, even the grumpiest people working for me were smirking awkwardly. It wasn’t a perfect first day, but she was a fast learner, and it was clear to everyone that she was part of the family now.

I spent the day sitting in one meeting after another, signing documents, listening to problems, coming up with solutions, but I could see her from where I was seated, and everytime she glanced my way, I felt something squeeze in my chest.

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