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But the gag holds tight, and all I can do is wish I could scream.


It’s dark when I wake up again.

The only way I can tell is because there’s no more light shining through the fabric, and because my heat is killing me. I wake up already wet, my body aching to be touched, the scent of the alpha on this ship enough to push me over the edge. The wolfsbane must have worn off, because I can sense both their designations now—Javi is an alpha, but Boyd is a beta.

It’s Javi that my wolf wants, though I can’t tell quite where he is.

I shift where I’m sitting, making the seam of my jeans rub against me deliciously. I groan at the sensation and I hear someone shift a few feet away.

“Damn it…she’s up, Boyd,” Javi says. “I’ll run out of wolfsbane if I keep having to take it at this rate.”

“We’re almost there,” Boyd says. “Don’t you worry about a thing, my horny friend.”

“Never smelled anything like her before,” Javi mutters. “Like…fruit or something.”

“Yeah, I figured—sinceI’venever seen you lose control,” Boyd says. “Keep it together.”

Footsteps sound, moving away from me. I grunt to try and get their attention, the second night of the full moon making me crazy. This time of night most months, I’d be locked up in my room touching myself in a desperate attempt to sate my need; now, I’m stuck in a confined space with an alpha in rut and I can’t do a damn thing about it.

What a way to spend the day after Valentine’s Day for a single romantic.

“Hey—lights ahead,” Javi’s voice comes from far away. “Is that it?”

“Let me hail them,” Boyd replies. A click sounds from behind me—the ship’s floodlights, if I had to guess. A moment later, light flashes behind the fabric of my hood, a pattern I recognize.

They’re telling us we have access to dock.

Panic surges in my chest, overriding even the carnal instinct to mate. I jerk desperately against the ropes, knowing I should have done this a long time ago. I’m far away from Austin now, out of reach of all the people that might help me, and I’m about to go home…

Last time I was here, my father tried to kill me.

In response, I helped at least fifteen women escape from him.

I don’t know what he’ll do now.

Radio static flickers to life on the comm unit, and I hear Boyd pick up. A voice speaks, then—a voice I recognize and that makes me want to throw up. It’s Abel, one of the young alphas my father was training as a lieutenant when I left the Rig.

I’m so screwed.

“State your purposes, Sea Witch.”

Sea Witch?

“We’re bounty hunters, just picked up a contract from your Prime a few months ago,” Boyd says. “Happy to report that we’ve fulfilled the contract—and we’ve got a certain Esther Vinton onboard.”

Abel doesn’t respond right away. We drift, the boat slowing down.

Boyd hails the Rig again. “I need some assurances that you have fuel and payment for us when we dock,” he says. “We want to make sure your bounty arrives safe and sound…and we gotta make sure we get paid.”

Static buzzes.

“What are your names?” Abel asks.

Boyd and Javi are quiet for a moment. I groan in protest, but they ignore me.

“Jeremy Boyd and Javier Ortega,” Boyd says. “You may have heard of us.”
