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Back at home, the omegas spend every day with each other. I usually meet up with Akari in the morning for lunch, then head to the pools to clean up or just to lounge around. I’m always running into people—Charlotte, Tilda, Soledad…and I have friends among the alphas of the pack too.

Just one big happy family.

I was so naive to think that could last.

For a second, I let myself daydream about what it might be like to bring Javi home to them—who he’d befriend, who he’d clash with. I think Grant would annoy him, he would respect Reyes, he and Elijah might hit it off. I have a feeling he and Will would be fast friends—they’re the same kind of stubborn, tough, resilient. It makes me wonder if they’re thinking about me, if they’re worried, if they’ve already figured out where I am.

If they’re coming to save me.

I banish the thought.

I need to focus on the here and now.

I’m bored by mid-afternoon, already having gone through all the piles of loot in the room and even having rinsed out my hair. I gave myself a cursory wash, but I think Javi was right in that it’s smart to keep his scent on me—so even though I’m a little gross, I don’t bother bathing. I can feel Javi’s energy simmering somewhere a couple miles away, and I’m afraid I won’t feel him as much if I wash off his scent.

Not that I know how any of this works.

My head snaps up when someone knocks on the door, surprising me. I didn’t expect to get visitors, and the scent is unmistakable—my brother, not one of the omegas and definitely not Javi. I get up and pad over to the door, opening it just a crack. Ephraim stands on the other side, his hands shoved into the pockets of his jeans, his face in a scowl.

I want to ask him what he wants, but I’m terrified to speak without being told it’s okay.

“I need you to come with me,” he says.

I glance back at the room, afraid of where he might be taking me. Out of the three leaders of the Gulf Pack—my father, my brother, and Abel—Ephraim has been the most innocuous…but that doesn’t mean he’s harmless.

I’ve seen him do horrible things.

And I know he’s probably still angry about June.

“Where?” I ask quietly, venturing to open my mouth.

“Can’t say here,” he says, lowering his voice. “And be quick about it.”

“Please don’t hurt me,” I breathe.

He grunts under his breath. “I’m not gonna hurt you—just hurry.”

I look back and forth down the hall before I follow him out and up the stairs. There are a few things up here where the beams get more rickety and the tower sways—the room where they kept me when I first arrived among them. I think he might lock me up again or toss me into the ocean…but he takes me somewhere very unexpected.

The comms room.

As far as I know, this is the only place on the Rig where you can get messages in or out. Back before I escaped with the other omegas, we hijacked this system to get a hold of Soledad, who orchestrated a way out. It’s also where my father gets transmissions from the Heavenly Host, though they were already contacting him less and less by the time I left as they got distracted with other battles.

Ephraim crosses his arms and tilts his chin toward the comm station, where a radio is waiting.

“It’s for you,” he says.

I watch him with wide eyes as I take a step toward it, wondering what the heck he’s playing at. He rolls his eyes at me and wave his hand.

“Hurry,” he says. “I wasn’t fuckin’ around. We’ve only got so much time.”

I look down at it and put on the headset, then push down on the receiver.

“Hello?” I say.

“Damn—Peaches? Is that really you?”

I try to hold back tears, but it doesn’t work.
