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I wiggle my fingers and toes and try to sit up, but I find that I’m chained to the wall by my neck, and to the floor by my wrists and ankles. I’ve broken out of chains like this before, but it’ll be difficult with this setup. I can barely even get leverage to move from lying down, jerking desperately, and I’m weak from whatever the Angels did to me. My head is foggy, numb, dizzy, and I realize with a start that they must have drugged me.

That’s not good. With the way my kraken addiction was years ago, anything in my system could cause permanent damage.

A door clangs down the hall and I jerk my head toward it, light filtering between the bars of my rudimentary cell. Footsteps come toward me, but I can’t make out a scent, having to use my sight to identify the newcomer.


He’s flanked by Abel, who stands with his hands in his pockets. He’s got something in one of those pockets—a weapon, maybe. I don’t know if they mean to beat me or kill me, but I figure they wouldn’t have me tied up if they were going to kill me.

I’d already be bait if I was due for execution…and I’m useful.

Even tied up, I’m useful, because I’ll do anything for Peaches.

“Let me go,” I say, my voice hoarse. The collar presses on my windpipe, making it hard to talk or even to breathe. “I’ll do whatever you say.”

“Now, why would I believe that when I’ve just learned you betrayed me?” he says. “And I came straight from talking to your girlfriend; she doesn’t seem remotely interested in working with us.”

I snarl and tug on the chains. “Don’t hurt her,” I warn.

“You’re in no position to make demands,” Gideon says.

He squats next to me, close enough that I should be able to slash at his throat. I can’t move from the floor though, completely immobilized by the chains and the drugs.

“What did you give me?” I ask.

“Mild sedative,” Abel says from behind him. “We didn’t want you kicking up a ruckus when you woke.”

“I’m a recovering addict,” I say. “If you give me anything, it could kill me—then I can’t keep making babies for your army.”

“Well, look at that,” Gideon says. “He’s catchin’ on!”

He reaches out to pat me on the cheek, but I react too slow to snap at him before he backs off. Gideon laughs at how sluggish I am, how desperate to get back to Peaches.

He loves toying with people…loves hurting us.

I have to get my mate and our child out of here.

I get frantic for a moment, scrambling against the chains and letting out an inhuman roar. Gideon and Abel laugh together.

“Don’t worry your little head about it,” Abel says. “I’ll raise your kid right.”

Gideon walking back over to Abel and taking whatever he’s been holding. I can’t figure out what it is until he turns back around, unzipping a black case and revealing shiny glass inside.

It’s a kit—syringe, vial, dropper.

I freeze.

“Figured that, as a junkie, you would like getting a little something in your system,” Gideon says, coming back toward me at a slow, leisurely pace. “Take the edge off, ya know?”

I shift away in vain, my eyes widening. “Hey…don’t,” I say. “I was serious. It could kill me.”

“Why would I give a damn?” Gideon says. “Fact is, I just made a deal that’s going to bring more people to our little paradise—alphas, omegas, betas. Why would I waste time and resources on you when I could get my heir ten times over with whoever will fuck my disobedient daughter?”

I pull at the chains, my muscles spasming. I can’t handle this; I’ll break out of the brig, burn this whole place until it’s nothing more than cinders on the sea, coast across the waves with Peaches and leave it all behind. And I’ll kill Gideon and Abel slowly and painfully, making sure they…

My right wrist burns, goes taut.

The chain snaps.
