Page 37 of Take a Chance on Me

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“The break room?” I offer. It has a closing door though it’s rarely used.

He thinks for a second and then nods. “That should work as long as no one is in there.”

Now he really has my curiosity piqued. What could he have to tell me that no one can overhear?

The break room is empty when we enter, and though it’s not a comforting place for a heart-to-heart with its sterile table and chairs, it is private. Derek closes the door and then turns to face me. “I don’t think I’ll be able to make the wedding,” he says.

My mouth falls open and I feel like a fish as I blink stupidly at him. Of all the words I was expecting to come out of his mouth, those aren’t even close. “Is that all?” I’m okay with not going to the wedding, especially since it was his idea to go in the first place.

He continues on as if he didn’t hear me. “It’s the audition. My friend Edith says the only time the director could meet with me is on Saturday. I asked her if there was any way to move it, but she said she had to beg to get the director to even give me an audition.”

“Derek, it’s fine.” I close the distance between us and place my hand on his arm. “I don’t need to go to the wedding. I’ve realized I have nothing to prove to Adam or Amy. Besides, the eight-ball said I didn’t have to go anyway, remember?”

“I know, but I feel awful.”

“I know a way you can make it up to me,” I say as I wrap my arms around his neck.

I can literally feel the heat crawl up his neck as he glances around. “Okay, but not here.”

With a laugh, I follow him out of the breakroom. For the first time since Adam broke my heart, I finally feel like maybe things will turn out all right.



My nerves are racingas I pull into the parking lot of the theater. I haven’t been on a stage since high school, and I have no idea how this will go. Will I freeze up? Will Daring Derek make his appearance? Will Katie still look at me with that light in her eyes if I totally flop? I take a deep breath and open the door.

The foyer reminds me of a woman trying hard to look younger than her age. The walls are painted red and gold, but it comes across brassy rather than upscale. My feet sink into the plush carpet that covers the floor, but there are odd spots where the color is lighter as if something were spilled and scrubbed too hard, and the ornate doors that lead to the stage look more like sentinels than welcoming portals.

A woman with her hair pulled into a messy bun looks up at me from behind a counter as I step farther in. “Can I help you?” Her words are friendly, but the smile doesn’t reach her tired eyes, and I wonder what I’m getting myself into.

“My name is Derek. I’m here for an audition.”

At this, her face lights up, giving me the impression she is only here until I leave which makes me feel guilty. No doubt she has better plans for her Valentine’s Day than waiting on me. “Ah, yes. Nicholas is waiting for you. Here’s the script. He said you can have a few minutes to look over it before the audition.” She hands me some papers stapled together and points down the hallway to a small area with a few chairs. “You can sit there and read over the part, and I’ll come get you in a minute.”

“Thanks.” I scan the first sheet of paper as I walk to the chair. The script seems pretty straightforward. From what I can tell, the man is a little neurotic - that part should be easy. The scene is well-written and looks like it will be fun. Before I know it, I hear the woman addressing me.

“He’s ready for you now.”

Nodding, I stand and force myself not to clench the paper in my hands. Just relax. Breathe. You’ve got this. They’re my words, but it’s Katie’s voice I hear in my head, and I smile.

The woman leads me down the hall and to a doorway that leads to the side of the stage. “Go ahead and break a leg,” she says, using the theater term for good luck.

The stage is definitely bigger than the one I acted on in high school as is the audience section. A table sits in the middle section about halfway back and at the table is a man, but he’s so far away, I can’t see much more about him other than he appears to have a full head of silver hair.

“Hello, I’m Derek Davis.” My voice echoes in the empty area and sounds tinny and nervous.

“Go ahead and read, Mr. Davis.” There is no emotion in the man’s tone, and it causes my nerves to bunch in my stomach.

Channeling Katie’s voice again, I close my eyes, take a deep breath, and begin reading. The first few words are stiff, but then Daring Derek takes over and I feel the shift. My voice becomes more confident and the scene just flows. When I’m done, I pause, unsure what to do next.

“How long have you been acting, Mr. Davis?”

Oh boy. I didn’t know there were going to be questions. “Not long, sir. I performed in one play in high school, but then my parents were killed in an automobile accident and acting fell to the back burner.” That’s not quite the truth since I’m the one who pushed it to the back burner, but I don’t feel the need to share the whole story today.

Nicholas rises from his seat and begins walking toward the stage, some sort of folder in his hand. “I see. Are you available to travel?”

“I suppose that would depend on what you mean, sir. I have a job currently, so I wouldn’t be able to pick up and leave without some other sort of income.” I should have asked Edith for more details on this. Is this a paying gig? Does that sort of thing exist? Clearly, I should have done more research.
