Page 41 of Take a Chance on Me

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“Let me show you to your new office.”

Philip leads the way to a small office next to the break room which is about the size of my closet at home without all the clothes. The desk barely fits the room and the chair can barely wiggle being lodged between the desk and the wall, but it’s mine. It has walls and a door and a window, if you can call it that. A postage stamp might be a little bigger. Still, it’s not a cubicle.

“We’ll get your name plate ordered, but until then, feel free to move your stuff in and congratulations.” Philip shakes my hand one more time and then disappears back to his office.

I cross to the desk chair and sit down, ignoring the creaking sound it makes with every change of position. That’s not obnoxious at all. Then I pull my cell phone out. I can’t go get ice cream at the moment, but I can text my friends.

Me: “I got the job.”

It doesn’t take long for the replies to pour in. “What? That’s awesome. Congratulations. I knew you would.”

Me: “Yeah, but Derek quit and he broke up with me.”

“What???” This time it’s the same response four times.

Me: “Evidently the acting gig is with a traveling theater and he’s going to be gone most of the year. He said since we would rarely see each other and I’m obviously still hung up on Adam, that it was better to just end it.”

Belle: “Did you explain what happened with Adam?”

Me: “I tried, but he didn’t really want to listen.”

Piper: “I’m so sorry, Katie, but maybe it’s better this way. Now, you can totally focus on the new job without any distraction.”

Of course this comes from Piper. I thought things were going well with her and Ian, but maybe they’re not as close as I thought. Otherwise she would know that removing the guy you’ve fallen for from your mind isn’t as easy as snapping your fingers.

Charlie: “Do you want me to come beat him up for you?”

Me: “No, but it’s too late even if I did. He cleared out his desk this morning. Evidently, he had enough vacation time that he could use them to finish out his two weeks.”

Belle: “Do you know where his new job is?”

Me: “No, nor do I know where he lives.” As I type this I realize there is still a lot about Derek I don’t know. Maybe this really is for the best. That’s what my head says. If only my heart could agree.



“Stop, stop,”Nicholas calls, waving his hands. The frustration in his voice is evident and punctuated with a large sigh. “Derek, what is wrong? Where is the character I saw at your audition?”

Heat flares up my neck as I feel the eyes of the other actors focus on me. “I don’t know, sir. I’m trying.”

“Not hard enough,” he says. “Or maybe too hard. Whichever it is, I need you to find the Derek I auditioned or this isn’t going to work.”

My throat feels like daggers as I try to swallow. He can’t fire me now; I already quit my job. I mean the two weeks aren’t actually up yet, but I turned in the notice; I have to make this work.

“Do you know how to fix this, Derek?”

“I…” I do or at least I think I do, but actually doing it is another matter. I’ve been miserable since I walked away from Katie, but I walked away. Can I really go crawling back and tell her I was wrong? “I might.”

“Then I suggest you go and get it taken care of. I’ll give you the rest of the day off to figure it out. Be back at rehearsals Monday with the Derek I auditioned or I’ll be forced to use the termination clause in your contract.”

There was a termination clause in the contract? How did I miss that? It appears I’m going to have to read it a little closer tonight and figure out how to get Katie back or get over her. At this point, I’m not sure which option will be easier.

With my face burning in shame, I nod and gather my stuff to leave for the day. I guess I should be glad he didn’t fire me on the spot, but the sting of the embarrassment will smart for a while.

When I reach my car, I open the door and sit inside for a minute. What do I do now? I can’t just show up at Katie’s house. I’m kind of afraid her friend Charlie would kill me, and she probably wouldn’t talk to me if I went to her work. Not that I can blame her. I have no idea how to even begin to try and win her back, but I know someone who does. I point the car toward Tommy and Edith’s place.

Twenty minutes later, I’m standing on their doorstep, knocking and hoping I haven’t used up my friend-in-need quota. I’m definitely going to have to find a way to make up for all the drop-in visits.
