Page 102 of Was I Ever Real

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This time I can savor the words like a delicacy and enjoy the warmth it creates low in my stomach. I never knew I’d be so horny for monogamy—especially marriage. But even now, I know it’s not really the title that lights me on fire, it’s the man behind the words.

It’s the way he looks at me when he says it.

The way I’ve never felt more wanted and cared for.

It’s the way he seesme, and not the projection I've tried my best to hide behind.

From his lips, the word wife doesn’t sound subservient. It sounds powerful, equal, and intoxicating.

I could get used to this feeling.

Once inside, Connor drapes my arm over his and leads me into the ballroom. The faces are familiar and it doesn’t take long for him to begin charming the key players he invited. I notice Mayor Hawkins looking our way and my stomach dips, my muscles tightening with the effort of keeping my face pleasantly engaged.

“Don’t worry,” Connor whispers in my ear, kissing me softly on the shoulder. “Nothing connects us to Morrissey’s murder. He can’t touch us.”

I release the breath I’m holding and peer back at him, smiling over my champagne glass.

“You seem so confident,” I say.

“It’s because I am.” He grins and continues to study me. “Tell me a secret,” he says out of the blue.

My eyebrows rise in surprise, and I look around as if to saynow?

I almost dismiss him—his demand feels too random until it dawns on me.

“Are you trying to distract me?”

“Indulge me,” he answers, shrugging and taking a sip of his drink, the very picture of an indulgent aristocrat.

At first, I don’t know what to say, until the perfect secret slides into my mind and I smile mischievously while staring back at Connor. He notices my expression and he raises an eyebrow, clearly curious.

I lean into his ear, and he wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me closer into him.

“Do you remember the night you caught me watching porn near the pool?” I whisper.

His fingers fist around my dress as he lets out a low chuckle. “How could I forget?”

“Well,” I say while I slide a hand over his arm, my fingers curling around his neck. “I wasn’t watching porn, I was watching the video of us we took in Vegas.”

His body stills under my touch, the fist holding my dress growing tighter, pressing me even harder into his firm body. I feel his head tilt towards me, hot breath fanning across my neck, his lips grazing my earlobe making me shiver in delight. “You kept it?” he growls so low, I can barely hear him.

I lean back ever so slightly so I can gaze into his eyes, and as expected they’re hooded and so dark I can barely keep my cool, but nonetheless, I nod.

“And you’ve been watching it ever since?” he adds.

I nod again.

“Fuck Lenix,” he groans, his eyes falling closed as if trying to collect himself. “And you’re telling me this now?Here?”

I put on an innocent face. “You’re the one who asked for a secret, Connie baby” I purr with a mock pout.

He stares at me for a long stretch of time, seemingly dumbfounded but then he finally blinks and swipes a hand over his face, a wide grin appearing.

“I don’t think I’ll ever love you more than I do right now,” he says before tugging me into his arms fully and kissing me like we’re not in a sea of the stuffiest people in Noxport.

I laugh into his mouth, pulling away to catch my breath. “You’re so easy.”

“Are you kidding? That’s the hottest thing I’ve ever heard.” His gaze turns searing, his voice now even lower than before. “Just you wait ‘till I get you alone, my darling.”

His hand slides over my ass, squeezing it hard before he releases me. He reverts back to his usual charismatic self, easing back into whatever conversation we were just ignoring like I didn’t just tell him I used to fuck myself to a video of him for the past two years.

Now, looking at him. I can’t believe how wrong I was about it all.

I must have been blind not to understand that what we had wasn’t just simple attraction. The feelings were always there, I just pretended not to see.

From the very beginning—it’s always been real.

I’vealways been real.
