Page 30 of Was I Ever Real

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The gates leading up to the driveway open in a silent welcome, and I make my way up to the house. I can almostfeelLenix about to go off and my lips twist in anticipation.

I finally park near the front door, the engine purring itself to sleep, the inside of the car falling as silent as a graveyard.

Until her voice pierces it.

“What the fuck was that?” Her voice is a lot steadier than I would have expected. I assumed she’d lead with her dramatics—which are a lot more fun to handle than this.

“I could ask you the same thing, darling,” I reply in jest, and with a smile.

“Don’t you fuckingdarlingme,” she hisses.

There she is.

And fuck does her feistiness make me want to do every little dirty and depraved thing I can think of to her.

Fuck her into submission, for starters.

I smirk. Pulling the car keys out of the ignition, I give her a side-eyed look that seems to rev her up even more.

“If you want to pretend you weren’t wet with just my fingers near your cunt.” I pause, my thumb and index finger finding my mustache. “Be my fucking guest Lenny. I don’t care if you lie. It won’t change the fact that you willingly opened your legs for me while we were surrounded by a table of Noxport politicians.”

Her mouth opens and closes, obviously trying to come up with a rebuttal but landing on nothing. She huffs loudly instead, followed by a small groan. Pushing the car door open, she gracefully, if not a little hastily, climbs out.

I’m out of the car before she rounds the hood, heading for the front door.

“You’re the absolute worst,” she says from over her shoulder, tone laced with venom.

“Darling—I’m the devil you know,” I respond while casually strolling right behind her.

“Yeah, and look where that has gotten me.” She turns on her heels and glares at me, crossing her arms in defiance. “In fucking hell.”

“At least hell has a pool,” I quip as she tries to open the door.

Finding the door locked, she throws her arms in the air as if this is the last straw.

“I need a key to this place. I’m not your prisoner.”

“But you would be so pretty wrapped in chains,” I say darkly, a cocky grin curling my lips while I climb up onto the doorstep.

She’s practically vibrating when I near her, and unlock the door. Storming in without another word, she takes her heels off before starting for the stairs. While I disarm the alarm, I track her movements. The casual action of her taking off her stilettos in front me makes my dick twitch for reasons quite unknown and most likely unimportant.

She’s halfway into the foyer when she stops as if just remembering something and turns back to face me.

“And what’s with the wholewifething?” she says with a bite, hands landing on her hips.

“As in the whole reason we’re stuck in this mess?” My eyebrows lazily rise to match my arrogant look.

“Don’t play dumb with me Connor, I swear you had a fucking boner everytime you said that word tonight. And before you try to deny it, I don’t think the idea of me being your wife is what turns you on,” she says, walking towards me and jamming her index finger in my chest. “I think what turns you on is the ownership attached to the word itself. Don’t forget that I know you,husband.” Her nail digging into my skin. “You get off on power. It’s the one sure thing that makes you feel worthy. But don’t forget, power is a fickle thing.”

Well shit.

She’s not completely wrong but what’s the fun in admitting it?

I take a step back, stuffing my hands in my pocket and head for the kitchen.

“Whatever helps you sleep at night, darling.”

I can feel her practically implode behind me, most likely trying to find a way to get the last word in but failing. Instead, I hear the soft pads of her bare feet head for the stairs and I pretend the sound doesn’t tickle at my senses. A sound way too domestic to enjoy, especially when it’s coming from her.
