Page 13 of The Awakening

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What we’ve done hits us both. We hop up and nervously put our clothes on, taking seats on opposite ends of the couch without looking at the other one. Hands folded on my lap, I twiddle my thumbs, embarrassed over what happened. Third base on a first date is not my style, but it was like I couldn’t control myself.

I sigh, dreading and yet needing to answers. “Why are you really here, David?”

He slides next to me and tilts my chin up. “I’m here because of you. I want us to be together. You are all I’ve ever thought about. You are what I crave.”

Is my mouth wide open? Feels like it is. His stunning admission isn’t what I expected and I don’t know how to respond. I do realize asking if we are dating would be fruitless at this point, he pretty much summed that up with his answer. But me being me, I need to hear those words from him. “Um, does this mean we’re dating?”

David smiles wide. “You’ve been my only girlfriend since kindergarten, mi Amor,” and then he kisses me. As though making a statement such as that one is the norm.

We curl up on the couch, holding each other while getting caught up. Though far too soon, David releases his hold. “It’s nearly five a.m., Jess, you probably need to get home. Do you work tomorrow?”

“Yes, but I don’t get off until ten. Shit, oh my God, I’m so sorry, but I forgot to check in with my dad. He’s going to be furious!” I jump up and grab my cell, firing off a quick text to Dad.

“Can I see you after work?” David asks.

“Yes, providing my father doesn’t kill me first.” I have very few rules imposed upon me but now two nights in a row I’ve already screwed up the cardinal one.

“Think about what you would like to do, and then we will do it.” David walks me to the door and draws me back into his arms, kissing me with such intensity I tremble. “Hmmm, I guess I better work on that,” he teases and I blush.

On the drive home, I worry so much I nearly chew a hole through my lip. Sure enough, there’s a note waiting for me on the front door in my lovely mother’s handwriting:

Jess, enough is enough. Your father and I have been worried sick. There will be a family meeting tonight when you get home from work.

Family meeting? Great, there goes my night with David. What does she know about family? I tear the note down and sprint upstairs. With some genius, I might be able to get out of this mess. Maybe if I leave a polite, apologetic note, they might let it slide.

Mom and Dad,

I’m so sorry. I went to the library after work to do some research on careers. Afterward, I stopped for coffee and read through the books I checked out. Again, I’m so sorry, but when I looked at the clock it was two a.m. and I didn’t want to wake you. I have to work today until ten so I won’t be home until after you’ve gone to bed because I’m going back to the library to return the books.

I love you and all is fine,


I place it on the kitchen table and contemplate sealing it in blood, but decide against that. It isn’t Dad I’m mad at and I know that she is only fueling a fire that needs extinguishing.

Chapter Six


Waking up late with little time to get ready for work, I snag a pair of jeans off the floor, sniff them for good measure and declare them clean enough. I finish getting ready and practically run out the door. I’m halfway to work when I remember David wanted to go out tonight. Hopefully he’s game for hanging out at home because going home to change beforehand isn’t happening.

When I arrive at work our boss, Mr. Davis, is sending Cole home due to being sick. A quick scan tells me the store isn’t busy so it shouldn’t be too bad with only Leah and myself closing. Mr. Davis asks if we want him to come back and help, which we quickly decline.

Around eight-thirty my phone vibrates. I pull it out of my pocket so fast it nearly flies across the room. Butterflies fill me as I read David’s name on the screen.

David: Meet you by the front door?

Me: Yes, please.

With a goofy smile on my face, I return to shutting the machines down while Leah is up front balancing out the register transactions. “Mmm mmm, would I like to get me a piece of that.” I pivot around to see what Leah is talking about and there stands David. He waves and smiles at me.

“Girl, are you getting an eyeful of that candy? I wonder if he’s single,” she hums.

An unfamiliar emotion rears its ugly head. “He’s not single. That’s my boyfriend, David,” I snip, before the reality of what I said could sink in. Thankfully David didn’t hear me.

Her face turns red as a twizzler and I nearly laugh. Nearly. “Oh, um, sorry,” Leah apologizes.

As soon as we walk out, David sweeps me off my feet and spins me around while kissing me. When he finally lets me down, I make the introductions, “Leah, this is my boyfriend David.” Go big or go home, right?
