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Until now.

Once the embracing couple finished their kiss, they faced the select crowd, their happiness glowing as tangibly as the candlelight from their nighttime service. As Beethoven’s “Ode to Joy” swelled from the pipe organ, Tony swept up the little ring bearer. Kolby hooked his arms around his new father’s neck with complete trust and the happy family started down the aisle, wedding party trailing them.

The Medina princess Eloisa served as maid of honor in an emerald empire-waist gown. Her bouquet of evergreens and pink tropical flowers from the island was clasped over the barely visible bump of her newly announced pregnancy. As she passed her husband seated by the king on the front pew, she smiled with unabashed love.

Duarte followed, leanly intense and breathtakingly handsome in his tuxedo. She never in a million years would have sought out a mega-rich prince, yet the more she learned about Duarte the man, the more she wanted to be with him. To hell with day-by-day. She wanted to extend this beyond their deadline. She wanted to take that risk.

And then Duarte moved past her, followed by Carlos—the brother she hadn’t met yet—ending the bridal party. Kate lowered her Canon. Carlos’s steps were painstakingly slow as he limped down the aisle. He clearly could have used a cane. Something about the proud tilt of his chin told her that he’d opted to stand up for his brother on his own steam.

This wounded family was breaking her heart.

She brought her camera back to her face and kept it there all the way outside into the moonlit night. A flamenco guitarist played beneath the palm trees strung with tiny white lights.

Sweeping the crowd with her lens, she snapped photos randomly for the album she planned to give to Tony and Shannon. She would upload the images and burn a disc for the couple, presenting her gift at the reception in case she didn’t see the newlyweds again.

Although maybe, just maybe… A wary thread of hope, of excitement whispered through her.

She adjusted her focus on Jennifer, her sister’s face animated as she took in the lights twinkling overhead in the trees. Love for her sister filled her. Jennifer wasn’t a burden, but protecting her innocence was a responsibility Kate didn’t take lightly.

A wide smile creased Jennifer’s cheeks and she waved enthusiastically until Duarte stepped into the picture.

“Yes, Jennifer?” His voice carried on the ocean wind. “What can I do for you?”

“I don’t need anything,” Jennifer answered. “You do lots for everybody. I wanted to do something for you.”

Jennifer extended her fist. Duarte’s face creased with confusion.

“This is for you,” Jennifer continued, dropping into his hand a beaded string of braided gold thread with a metal ring at one end, “since you’re going to be my brother soon. I didn’t think you would like a bracelet or a necklace like I make for Katie. But you drive a car, so I made you a key chain. Kolby’s nanny got me the supplies. Do you like it?”

He held it up, ring dangling from his finger as he made a big show of admiring it. “It’s very nice, Jennifer. Thank you. I will think of you whenever I use it.”

“You’re welcome, Artie—uh, I mean—”

“You can call me Artie,” he said solemnly. “But only you. Okay?”

“Okay.” Her smile lit her eyes as she rose up on her toes to give him a quick peck on the cheek before she raced across the sand toward the bridal party.

More than a little choked up, Kate swung the lens back to Duarte just as he pulled his keys from his pocket. Her breath hitched in her chest… He couldn’t actually be planning to actually use it…

But, oh, my God, he attached the beaded gold braid alongside keys to his high-end cars and an island mansion. Thoughts winged back to that first night in Martha’s Vineyard when they’d made up their mythical first date, complete with a vintage Jaguar and catviar.

Her hands fell to her side, camera dangling from her clenched fist. Tears burned her eyes as she fell totally, irrevocably in love with Duarte Medina.

And she couldn’t wait to tell him once they were alone together tonight.

The rest of the evening passed in a blur of happiness until before she knew it, Kate was waving to the departing newlyweds. Everything had been magical from the wedding to the reception in the ballroom with a harpist. She had almost hated to miss even a second when she’d slipped away to her computer to burn the disc. But she’d been rewarded for the effort when she pressed the DVD into Shannon’s hand. They’d insisted they didn’t want gifts, but every bride deserved a wedding album.

Kate arched on her toes to whisper in Duarte’s ear. “I’m going upstairs to change. Join me soon? I have a special night planned that involves you, me and a tub full of bubbles.”

“I’ll be there before the bath fills.”

The glint in his eyes spurred her to finish up her last bit of business all the faster.

In her room, she sat in front of the computer to dispense with this last obligation to Harold. Duarte had even given her the thumbs-up to select the wedding photos on her own. He trusted her…

Her computer fired up to the homepage and she logged on to the internet, eager to be done with this as quickly as possible so she could freshen up in a bubble bath and dig through the drawers of lingerie for just the right pieces. The news headlines popped onto the screen with thumbnail images. She frowned, looking closer in disbelief. Déjà vu hit her as she stared at the strangely familiar images.

Pictures of Tony and Shannon’s wedding.

The same photos she’d loaded to make the disc, but hadn’t yet sent to Harold.

Not just any photos, but her work all stored on this computer.

Confusion built as she clicked on article after article from different news outlets, all with photos she’d just taken tonight. How could this be? She flattened her hands to the computer that both Duarte and Javier had assured her only she and Duarte could access.

Had Javier turned on the family like his cousin? She quickly dismissed that possibility. Before she’d made that fateful trip to Martha’s Vineyard, the Intruder had tried more than once to get the inside scoop from everyone in Duarte’s employ. No luck there. Javier had stayed loyal. Which only left Duarte, and he’d made it clear from the start that he sought revenge for what she’d done to his family with her photo exposé.

Her heart shattering, she felt like such a fool. Duarte had wanted retribution and he had succeeded. He’d maintained total control of how his family appeared in the press. And he’d ensured she didn’t profit a dime off her efforts.

She’d been so close to admitting she’d fallen in love with him. But she would be damned before she let him know just how deeply he’d wounded her.

Five more minutes and Duarte would finally have Kate alone. He didn’t hear the bath running, but then if all went according to schedule, he would have her on an airplane soon.

Tony and Shannon’s early wedding hadn’t left him much time to expedite his plans to take Kate to the Chicago museum. But he’d pulled it together. A jet was waiting, fueled up and ready to wing them away from here.

All he needed was her okay on plans for Jennifer—he’d learned his lesson well on not usurping Kate when it came to her sister. Hopefully, after tonight he would have a larger role in her life, one where they shared responsibilities. He was determined to make his pitch in Chicago, to persuade her that they should extend their relationship beyond tonight, beyond the island.

Looking through the open doors, he saw her still sitting at the desk in her room in front of her computer, not in the tub but every bit as alluring to him even with her clothes on. So many times they’d gone over her pictures together before she had sent them. She’d been careful about giving him a chance to veto photographs even though more often than not she nixed a picture first. He didn’t even feel the need to look over her shoulder now.

He trusted her. What a novel feeling that almost had him reeling on his feet. He turned away to gather his thoughts, bracing a hand on his four-poster bed.

Fast on the heels of one thought came another. He more than trusted her. He’d been mesmerized by the woman who’d stood toe-to-toe with him from the start. Someone he could envision by his side for life.

He’d known he wanted her with him long-term, but how had he missed the final piece of the puzzle? That he loved her.

The sense of being watched crawled up his spine and he turned around to find Kate standing in his open doorway. And she didn’t look happy.

Pale, she stood barefoot, still wearing the midnight-blue dress with Medina sapphires and diamonds.

He straightened, alarms clanging in his brain. “What’s wrong?”

Blinking back the shine of tears and disbelief in her eyes, she braced herself against the door frame. “You sold me out. You released my photos of the wedding to the press.”

What the hell? He started toward her, then stopped short at the fury in her eyes. “Kate, I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Is that how you want to play this? Fine, then.” She dropped her hands from the doorway, her fists shaking at her side. “I started to send the wedding photos, only to find they had already been released to every other media outlet. My big scoop stolen from me.” She snapped her fingers. “That fast. You’re the one who gave me that computer, totally secure you assured me. You were very specific about the fact that only you and I had access. What else am I supposed to think? If there’s another explanation, please tell me.”
