Page 10 of Phoenix

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A moan escaped my lips, and I immediately slapped my hand over it as I tumbled backwards. This was a gear bag of a mass murderer. Get a grip.You can do this. Do it!I walked closer, staring down at the sharp blade, horrible thoughts and disgusting visions filling what was left of my mind. I was shocked it wasn’t covered in blood.

I just knew I was going to die.

Sucking in my breath, I threw a look toward the bathroom, fear now turning to terror. I had to find the courage to get the hell out of the room.

I reached in again, finding something soft. When I managed to pull out a huge tee shirt, I almost cried with relief. Wet underwear or not, I didn’t have time to lose. He’d be coming out the door any minute. I threw on the shirt, spinning in a full circle, noticing a thick, fur-lined parka. Oh, thank God. I grabbed it, noticing Killer Boy had worn boots. I jammed my feet inside, not bothering to tie them, then stumbled toward the door.

Why weren’t my legs working right?

No, hold on. The ax would come in handy.

I flipped around, losing my balance and crashing into the dresser. Pain tore through my hip, my mind almost returning to the wretched fog from before. Oh, no. I wasn’t going to lose it. Not now. I could do this. Panting, I fought my way back to the duffle bag, grabbing the handle of the ax.

All I had to do was get to one of the hotel staff and they’d call the police. When I tried to unlock the door, I realized I couldn’t feel my fingers. Door. Did I just hear the creaking sound of hinges from the monster opening the bathroom door? Maybe he’d taken another weapon inside with him. Now he was going to carve me up for dessert.

I hadn’t realized I’d been holding my breath until I finally managed to throw open the door.

Then I heard his voice, the deep husky tone shattering the last of the polished steel armor.

“You’re not going anywhere, sweetheart.”



She smelled like trouble, my traitorous body responding immediately.

Even the glint in her eyes screamed of trouble, the worst kind.

I wanted to fuck her.

At least a few times.

But that would get me into all kinds of trouble I didn’t need.

As she stared at me with those same damn gorgeous eyes of hers, my mind went to every filthy place it shouldn’t have gone. At minimum, I wanted her voluptuous lips wrapped around my cock as she looked up at me.

The mysterious guest remained frozen, the same mouth I wanted to deep throat finally pursing into a perfectly rounded O. Her eyes were as wide as saucers, staring at me through the dim light as if I was an alien being. When she slowly started to lower her gaze, her breathing more ragged than it had been when she was unconscious, I allowed myself to ponder the situation.

For a woman who I’d feared was on her deathbed, she’d managed to toss my things on the floor before deciding to steal some of my clothes. And she stood in my boots and coat with my ax in her hand. What the hell was she thinking?

When she shifted from one foot to the other, placing her other hand on the ax handle and lifting it into the air in front of her, I tried not to laugh. Even though the wind howled, blowing snow into the room, the blast of cold air didn’t seem to bother her in the least.

“Come back inside and close the door,” I told her, trying to keep some sense of levity in my voice even though I was exhausted.

“Na uh,” she said, already shaking almost as much as she’d done before.

Na uh? Really? It was easy to see I’d been right in my assumptions. “Give me the ax.” I threw out my hand and walked closer. The woman growled, an actual animalistic sound. What did she think was going to happen by a man standing in nothing more than a towel?

“Nope. If you come any closer, I’ll… I’ll cut your balls off.”

I wasn’t certain whether to be shocked or amused. If I weren’t so bloody tired, I’d likely be furious, but given the circumstances, I tried to remind myself to give the girl some slack. “Give me the ax and come here. You’re going to freeze to death.”

“That’s better than being cut into pieces, charbroiled for dinner.”

Fuck. She’d misunderstood what my bag was for. Now I was definitely amused and would have teased her relentlessly under other circumstances. “Look. I’ll ask nicely since I’m about to freeze to death myself. Come inside.Now.” When venom flared in her eyes, my cock twitched. She was a feisty one.

Her mouth twisted as she glared at me, her grip tightening on the handle of the ax. I had the distinct feeling she’d make good on her threat. I took another step closer, and she lifted it by a few inches, growling like some damn she-wolf.

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