Page 105 of Phoenix

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“Are you ready?” Phoenix asked as he parked the car. Both of us were glancing around us at the huge crowd.

I almost felt as if hands were wrapped around my throat, digging into my windpipe, but I would never let him know how anxious I was. He hadn’t slept in three days, other than when I’d found him curled up in Justin’s room.

“We are going to be just fine, Mr. Wentworth. Right, Justin?” I asked.

“Yay!” Justin clapped his hands. Even though Phoenix had tried to prepare him for what was going to happen, how can you explain to a five-year-old that his whole life might be turned upside down all over again? I was angry and bitter, doing everything I could to keep it together.

We’d done everything we could to avoid the reporters asking questions about my family. His family. They’d talked about his service record and shoved what had happened on Sapphire Ridge into his face. It had been a free for all for almost two weeks. Now this.

Sadly, as we stepped out of the car, I knew that the past wasn’t ready to let me go just yet.

And certainly not without a fight.

“Ms. Tillman. What’s it like to have your father, the senator behind bars?”

“Ms. Tillman. Did you know that your father was involved with Blue Waters?”

“Ms. Tillman. Did your father mention that he had several people murdered?”

The questions came fast and furious but at the most inappropriate time. I grabbed Justin, bringing him against me and when his little hand slipped into mine, I almost broke out into tears. It would be the first time since learning my father had been one of the men involved in trying to destroy Phoenix and his grandfather’s legacy. While part of the reason had been because of the stupid vendetta he had against William Wentworth dating back almost fifteen years, the other part had been all about greed.

William had won a bid for land that he’d never wanted in the first place, something my father had had his eye on for two years. The betrayal of their friendship had left both men bitter, but to go to the lengths of attempting to get the ranch in retaliation disgusted me. Phoenix wrapped his arm around me, guiding me toward the courthouse.

“Mr. Wentworth, what does it feel like to be engaged to the daughter of a murderer?”

“Don’t,” I whispered, trying to keep Phoenix from reacting. I noticed Gage was heading in our direction, several of his deputies trying to disperse the crowd.

“I’m going to kill him,” he hissed.

“Think of Justin.” I tried to steer us away, but the same jerk jumped in front of us again.

“Ms. Tillman. Are you considered a beneficiary of your father’s estate?” the reporter asked, jamming a microphone in my face.

“That’s it,” Phoenix growled, all my rugged man could take. As he issued a hard punch, the cracking sound as the reporter’s nose was broken was caught on camera. In the next few minutes, all hell broke loose.

“Get her out of here,” Phoenix barked to Gage.

“I’m getting you both out of here. Do not throw another punch,” Gage snarled, doing everything he could to block the crowd as the asshole reporter who’d been hit was screaming that he was going to sue.

“Wrennie. Wrennie!” Justin squealed.

“It’s alright, honey. Just hold my hand.” Why had this happened? Why?

Justin clung to me, and I tried to push my way through the crowd. This was the last thing the little boy needed to see. Goddamn the judge for forcing him to be here. I was angry, finally at the end of my patience.

“Just stop. All of you. Now!” Somehow, my voice cut through the din. “This isn’t the time or place. Don’t you see there’s a child here?” I pulled Justin into my arms just as he started to cry. Then I handed him off to Phoenix so that the fucking reporters could get a good shot of how much the two of them loved each other.

As Justin put his little arms around his father’s neck, the cameras were rolling.

Gage guided us up the stairs, additional deputies already waiting side by side to help.

“It seemed you called out the cavalry,” Phoenix managed.

“Anything for my best friend,” Gage said, nodding as he opened the door. “Just, for the love of God, stay calm.”

A feeling of dread rolled into my system as we headed for the assigned courtroom. Phoenix pulled me to him, still holding Justin as he cupped my face.

“We’re a family. Whatever happens. Right?” He looked from Justin to me, and I couldn’t stop a tear from rolling past my lashes.

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