Page 16 of Wicked Grace

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“I will.” She smiled as bright as those symbols she’d had in her skin when they’d met and snuggled closer.

The fighter looked like he wanted to argue, but he didn’t. In fact, the man managed not to look back as he return to his witch’s side.

Alexei knew the frustration of having a wonderful, courageous sister who wanted to take on such a scary world. When the witch Senate had taken Alys, he’d gone out of his mind wondering what torture they could inflict upon her. Josh had been subjected to the same torment for decades while the Order held Joelle.

She turned that grin on him, and he forgot to pay attention to the stage, the stupid reality show, or anything beyond her and scanning for possible threats. “You think Witch’s Bane will play?”

“An unmarked tour bus was parked in the staging area, and those speakers and sound boards suggest more than a few television presenters. I’m guessing they’ve hidden the drum kit and everything else behind the curtain to reveal the band after the show finishes its match announcement.”

“The Hex Reporttalks nonstop about them.” She squeezed his arm. “I’ve never been to a concert. It’s so thrilling.”

Seeing her this happy? It stole his breath away.

When the rock band took the stage, a haunting guitar riff opening their act, she grabbed his hand in both of hers and held on. The press of her slender fingers, the warmth of her palm, the trembling elation, her soft skin—he treasured each. So much so that he would’ve snarled at anyone who interrupted this contentment. Anyone but Alys.

His sister slipped to his other side with remarkable stealth given the size of the crowd and yanked on his sleeve. “We have a problem,” she said into his ear. Pulling away, he scanned the room for a threat and saw nothing obvious, but that didn’t mean much with so many supernaturals here.

“What is it?” he asked her.

“Bomb,” she mouthed.


Joelle stood with the rest of the evacuated crowd outside the hotel, watching the Witch’s Bane members and crew set up an impromptu stage on a flatbed semi-trailer. Instead of a panic, the rock band had turned a bomb scare into a block party.

Cool night air blew salt-scented breezes so strong she could almost taste the ocean in its chill, and she pulled Alexei’s jacket tighter around her. It smelled of him, and she struggled between the competing desires of snuggling while wrapped in his scent and having him here so she could hold his hand again. The prickle of magic in the air around him? It buzzed even stronger with a simple touch—so hard that it threatened to pull her own powers forward just for the chance to brush against his.Let’s play, the symbols under her skin begged.He’d be a fun playmate.

No, she couldn’t risk exposure for her silly infatuation.

Music blared from a speaker, and the blocked-off street became a dance party. The production staff ofCelebrity Matchpassed out drinks, snacks, and swag bags full of party favors including flashing LED jewelry. Streetlamps and temporary spotlights lit the band’s setup, and someone had tossed glow sticks into the crowd. Now, strands of pink, purple, and green popped against the night where guests had woven them around their necks and wrists and in their hair. She could probably invoke her healing magic to light her skin and no one would know she hadn’t used glow-in-the-dark paint. But she wouldn’t because the Order could be watching. Their operatives thrived on their ability to blend in with every other human.

Nita, Alys’s girlfriend with shocking blue hair that matched the streaks in her lover’s, kept watch beside her. While the woman seemed intense and a little scary, it beat having Josh hover over her or rush her into a car and away from the upcoming concert.

Will you please stay with Nita?Alexei had asked her.Asked, not demanded or ordered.She’s not much for socializing so I would appreciate it if you keep her company while Alys and I help in here. I’ll come to you as soon as I can.

“You good?” Nita asked, rubbing her fingers together at her side as though the gesture might be a nervous tic or a prelude to calling on her powers. Given she was mated to a demon hybrid, either could be possible.

“Yeah.” Joelle studied the woman’s posture, the way her leather jacket caught on something at her waist. She scooted closer, keeping her movements slow. “Are you carrying a weapon?” she whispered.

“Several. Why? Do you need one?” The woman’s crooked smile charmed, a piercing in her lip flashing.

“Would you give me one if I said yes?” Not that she would have a clue how to use one.

“Yeah. Although if you see a reason to shoot something, I’d rather you let me know. Alexei would have my head if anything happened to you.”


Nita stared at her as if she had asked a stupid question. “Our kind…” She lowered her voice, gaze flicking from person to person as if checking for anyone who might spy on them. “Demon hybrids, we mate for life. Once our demon side recognizes the person we’re meant to be with, that’s it.”

“Like you and Alys?”

“Sort of. With us, it was more of her telling me that we would end up together. She gets what she wants.” The woman said the last with a sweetness that seemed inconsistent with her hard edges and sharp glares. “She came into the bookshop where I work, we met, and that was it. I would expect it to have been as fast for you and Alexei, but he said you’ve been away. I’m surprised he didn’t go with you. Louisiana, was it?”

Shock twisted in her gut along with hope. His family believed them to be fated mates? What had he said to make them think that? And why hadn’t he told her? She would have several questions for him later, ones that she needed answered. But not now. “I went to New Orleans, looking for clues to find my family.”

Nita narrowed her light eyes. “I thought you had the dragon for family, although I wouldn’t judge if you disowned the jackass.”

Huh, she and her brother clearly didn’t get along. “Siblings by choice, not by blood. I don’t know who,”or what,“my family might be. You heard where Alexei found me?”

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