Page 68 of Wicked Grace

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“Perfect.” She could stay like this forever. Of course, if Alexei had been right about them being fated mates, she would have the chance.

“Mating doesn’t mean an official ceremony. It requires a willing blood bond freely given by the partners and sex.”

She couldn’t catch a breath when he said things like that. No, she melted into him as she had during their kisses, letting his easy rhythm for working knots out of her hair—catch, detangle, comb—lull her despite the gravity of their conversation. Steering their talk away from sex since it was the first thing on her mind, she asked, “The blood bond?”

“A small cut to both of us with words of devotion spoken. No spells or incantations, just something for the fates to know our commitment to each other. For you, a prick to your finger or cut to your hand. For me, somewhere more obvious and visible to show my claim to any who might think of touching you. You’ll need to heal your cut, but I want to keep mine. Just as I’ll have your name inked over my heart.”

Wow.“You’ve decided.”No-going-back decided.

“We’re mates.”

“What if I’m a lab experiment? Not a demon hybrid. Not anything we can identify.”

“You’re still my mate.”

“I killed people.”

“Thank the gods you killed them before they killed us. When we first met, I ended a man’s life in front of you before he could shoot us. Does that make you want me less?”


“Good.” He ran his fingers through her hair. The slow, sweet feel of his hands that he’d used to do so much damage to others being gentle and tender with her undid the knots inside her gut. “I tried to push you away for your own protection. If you want to confess your worst sins, here are mine. I’ve hurt every woman in my life.”

Jealousy twisted a blade in her heart, and she looked up at him. “What women?”

“You’ve heard of Alys’s kidnapping. I couldn’t stop it. You’ve met Vori, my goblin cousin who can’t leave the realm she rules. I couldn’t save her either. The worst though?” He curled a lock around two fingers. “My mother couldn’t have children after me. She bargained with Baba Yaga to bring Alys and Vori into our family. I’m the reason she had to deal with the scariest witch in history.”

Her heart went out to him for the hurt he thought he’d caused. “Not your fault.”

“I don’t know about that. I’m a villain every day for everyone except you.”

“My hero.”

“Any time you’ll let me be.” He kissed the top of her head and she sank into his embrace. “Whatever Noxx did or didn’t do? Whatever’s happening with your magic? Not your fault.”

“I couldn’t stand it if you regretted choosing a future with me.” She drew up her courage and asked the question that mattered. “Anything I can do or say that would change your mind about being mates?”

“No. I tried to give you space and to stop thinking about you. I couldn’t. Years ago, when you ran from me in Moscow, I searched everywhere for you.”

“Noxx found me.”

“Was she the woman who called to you in the park that day?” he asked. “I should’ve grabbed you, should’ve kept you from going to her. If I had taken you with me to my parents, to our guards—”

“Then Noxx would’ve killed my brother. I met you on my last escape. She shackled me after that.” Touching his hand, she didn’t dare look at him. “I worried sometimes that I had dreamed you up. The memories of that afternoon with you? They kept me going until you rescued me.”

He tightened his hold on her. “I tried to let you go again, and you gave yourself up like a sacrificial lamb to the enemy.”

“And I ended up taking out the ship.”

“You’re a badass who saved us.”

“I killed you.” Her voice went soft.

“You brought me back.”

“I’m a monster,” she whispered, softer still.

“Then let’s be monsters together.” The rumbled words sent a hum through her blood louder than the buzzing call of his magic to hers.
