Page 71 of Wicked Grace

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“You’re always gorgeous,” he said. “But you’re exquisite when you come. You taste like heaven. I bet you’ll feel like it when I’m inside you.” Not tonight. He’d pushed her too far already. She’d accepted him in his true form—horns, wings, magic-blown eyes—and in doing so, she’d given him everything he could ever desire. His mate wanted him, man or monster.

“You’re not finished.” She sounded as haughty as any demon royal he’d ever heard.

Gods, he liked her bossy. “What does my mate command?” He would stay on his knees as long as she wished. With the taste of her still on his lips, he could certainly go for a few more rounds of hearing her climax.

“I told you, I want all of you.” She ran her hands down his chest, hooked them in the waistband of his pants, and wrapped her fingers around his cock.

He couldn’t take any more. His pulse jumped. No, he would come in his pants before she did more than touch him. “Wait.” His voice came out too harsh.

The uncertainty replacing the lust-drunk haze in her eyes hit him in the gut worse than any punch. “You don’t like—?” she asked.

“I more thanlike.” A growl slipped through his words, and he cursed when she flinched.Shit, that’s not what he had intended. He tried a different tactic. “From what you’ve said, I’m guessing you’re a virgin—”

“What does that have to do with making you feel good?”

“You don’t need—”

“I want to. Just like Iwantyou to fuck me.”

Such filthy language from his angel. It had him thinking the most wicked things about her. “I’ll hurt you, and I can’t stand that.” Some of the anger in her expression faded.Good. “I’ve pushed you more than enough for tonight.”

The rage in her gaze intensified, doubling the orgasm-induced flush. “You don’t get to decide that.Ido. Don’t go ruler-of-all, I-know-best demon prince on me now.” She waved a hand at his horns and wings. “Except for those.”

“No.” He couldn’t. He hadn’t been with any woman in his true form, and she washismate—meant to be cherished, worshipped, protected. Even from herself. His magic wanted, needed, demanded that he take what she offered, and he battled to gain control over it. Seeing her sprawled naked on his bed wouldn’t help with restraining his powers that screamed at him to snatch her up and satisfy the lust, no matter the cost. He would turn her down, and she would cover up, curl in the bed, and he would curse himself, but he would at least know that he hadn’t caused her physical pain.

“We have our entire lives for you to choose.” He stood, putting distance between them. “I won’t let you go, but I won’t hurt you either. Don’t ask for things you’re not ready for.”

Except she didn’t shrink into his robe. No, she pushed the fabric off her body, revealing every inch of beautiful skin as she rose off the bed like a siren from the depths of the sea. The healing charm rode low around her neck, skimming the dip between her breasts, its metal catching the light. Joelle didn’t look sad or dejected. Instead, she looked like an all-powerful avenging angel come down from the skies to teach him a hard-won lesson that might hurt him instead of her. “You mentioned a predator’s instinct?”

“Yes.” The one he struggled now to repress, the one he couldn’t let off its leash around his mate. Not for an instant.

She raked an irate glance over him, stopping on his erection before meeting his gaze again. “What happens if I run?”

His powers flared at the thought, filling the air with the scents of smoke and earth. His heart pounded too loud, and his wings gave an involuntary twitch and swish. Hell, his body grew to his fighting form. If she fled, he wouldn’t be able to control the bone-deep instinct. The monster would take over the man. “Don’t.” He choked out the word. “I won’t be able to control my demon.”

“I’m counting on it.” She curved her mouth into a grin, and her magic rippled around her, a pulse of pure white light from her skin. Then she ran, barefoot and naked, curves jiggling and long hair flowing. Not hesitating at the door, she flung it open with acrashand kept going.

He couldn’t stop. The urge to chase overcame him. If he could only catch her, hold her until he found a way to take back control. He raced after her in a game she couldn’t win. Tucking his wings, he didn’t slow at the door, saw a flash of light in the hallway and followed, picking up speed. She glanced over her shoulder, too close to the top of the stairs.

Oh gods, what if she fell?Images of her toppling down the long staircase flashed in his mind.He would never forgive himself.

Flying forward, he ended the chase, snagging her around the waist and pinning her to the wall. Chest heaving and pulse pounding, he stared at her tits, not wanting to see the fear in her face.

Only she laughed—a giddy, glorious sound of delight. Head back, her face glowing and radiant, her magic sparkling along her skin, she threw her arms and legs around him.

“Hellcat,” he muttered through the war raging within himself.

She slammed her mouth onto his, stealing every thought except seizing what she offered. Her taste drugged him, should’ve settled his powers, but she kissed him with a ferocity to rival any warrior, devouring him with nips and licks. He breathed in, taking in the scents of her andblood? Yanking away, he glanced up as she dragged her palm over the tip of one of his horns, slicing into her palm. Horror surged through him. What had he done?

She smacked the same to his shoulder. “I claim you as a mate—mine, now and forever. That permanent enough for you, prince?”

Holy hells, she had marked him as a mate. He couldn’t have wished for a better fate. She would be his for the rest of their lives and beyond. His magic surged, shaking framed photographs off the wall, and he wrapped his wings around her to protect her.His claimed mate. He had to finish the blood bond.

Raking a claw down his jaw, he opened a small cut—enough to complete the vow with a visible mark to show he’d been claimed. He struggled with the words that he wanted to say. He should tell her how he would love, cherish, and put her first in all things as that was the truth. Promise to devote the rest of this life to her and follow her into the next wherever the fates might lead them. But his demon rode too high on his magic. He pressed her bloody palm to the wound, binding them blood to blood. “Mate. Mine. Always.”

“Good enough for me.” Joelle kissed him, sending a slow, intoxicating roll of pleasure through him. “Now for the rest.”

Before he could ask, she lined his cock up with her center, swiping him against her folds. The slickness of her almost undid him, and he fought against the urge to take her quickly. Not when she sank down on him, her body slowly stretching. She felt like a fist wrapped around him, squeezing tight enough to make him see literal stars.
