Page 80 of Wicked Grace

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“Will you go with them?”

He looked pained, as if afraid to tell her the truth. “I’m my father’s general. I must.”

“Then I go with you.”


She knew he wouldn’t let her win this argument, not now anyway, and it didn’t matter in this moment. He’d given her the answer she needed to stop searching for answers she wouldn’t find in any article. She couldn’t ask for more, except perhaps a distraction. “Make me forget our worries for a few minutes. Kiss me.”

His gaze locked on her mouth—so hungry she could almost feel the weight of his want. “Just a kiss?” The predatory promise in his voice of wicked and wild possibilities made her needmore.

“For starters.” After a week of Alexei’s body pressed against hers, his focus solely on her pleasure, she didn’t think she could ever get enough.

He dragged his thumb over her lower lip. “If it’s a distraction you need, I’m happy to provide.” The playfulness of words edged in sin and made real by his touch had her melting, tension leaving her body in a slow unwinding.

The first brush of his lips sipped and savored, as if he could coax her into oblivion one slow, drugging kiss at a time. Perhaps he could with the taste of him on her tongue, the scent of him wrapped around her. “Like this?” His words came in a growl against her mouth, more of an answer than a question.

She didn’t fight the sigh that escaped against him, the sigh he breathed in as though he owned it. “Yes.”

He continued the lazy slide of his lips over hers as if he could kiss her all day, as if making out with his mate might be his favorite pastime, as if the world could wait for him to taste her. Her patience unraveled to a single thread, winding around him, binding him to her. He gave a soft groan from deep within that snapped that last thread. She needed to drink him down, to bite and suck and nip, to drown in him until she couldn’t think of anything butthem. Until she couldn’t think at all.

Yanking a fistful of that crisp, white button-down shirt that seemed to be his eternal uniform, she curled her fingers, feeling the wrinkles bunch beneath them, enjoying the heat of his skin underneath, and calling his magic to come mix with her own. She deepened the kiss, tasted the spark of powers on her tongue, caught the buzz of them against her lips. Her head spun, her pulse raced as if she’d taken a euphoria spell, and she didn’t ever want to come back down from the bliss that was her claimed mate loving her.

“I need closer.” Her demand toppled out in a jumble of words, passion overriding everything else. She slid her fingers over the top button of his shirt, unhooking it before moving to the next. “Too slow,” she complained. When had she become so impatient?Since meeting her mate.The answer came as quickly as she wanted to rip the shirt from him.

“I’ll strip off mine if you do the same.” He kept his mouth on hers, but she could hear the chuckle in his voice.

She would kiss the teasing right out of him. Pulling her shirt overhead in a quick swish, she tossed it somewhere behind her. As if she’d flipped a switch in him, Alexei stood and sat on the edge of the table, shoving aside the massive books and yanking her into his lap to face him.Holy hotness. She would never get her fill of looking at her mate. Those broad shoulders that he wanted her to ease her burdens onto, the unruly curls of his hair that defied the strict order he maintained in everything, the muscles that pulsed with powers that could destroy but that he wrapped around her with such tenderness.

“Perfect.” So much sexy skin to taste and lick and suck.

“Yeah?” He flexed and unleashed his wings with a snappingwhooshthat blew her hair around her face and sent a cool rush over her skin. “What about this?”

Her heart thumped a thunderingYES, and she shivered in anticipation. Her unspoken answer seemed to satisfy him because he swooped in for another scorching kiss. Gone were the gentle, soft touches. The desperate dig of his grip into her hips, the rough mash of his mouth on hers with a tangle of tongues, the way she dragged her nails along his biceps, the scramble of her thoughts to nothing buttake,mark,need—she spiraled into the all-consuming ecstasy of desire with the one person who fate had picked just for her.

Her breath spun out in pants and whimpers. Pleasure built and built until she felt as though she would claw at him to crawl inside of this safe space he had created for her to shine in the shadow of his wings.

He would never leave her.

She would never be alone again.

She would always have Alexei.

He tore his mouth away, leaving her emotions in chaos. She felt the loss of his hunger for her so keenly that her world tipped and she struggled to right it.

His wings wrapped tight around her, a dark cocoon lit only by the shine of her magic.What could have made him stop touching her?A reckless need to yank him back to her competed with fear at his sudden withdrawal.

“Roman,” he said on a near snarl. “What happened to knocking?”

She hadn’t heard the man come in. That’s how lost she’d been in their kiss.

“Sorry. We’ve got an emergency.” The man sounded as though he battled to keep the frantic out of his voice. “I swear I didn’t see your mate.”

“You better not have or no amount of magic eating will save you.” Alexei’s harsh threat didn’t match the sweet brush of his knuckles against her cheek. “Back the fuck out of here and give us a minute.” His voice didn’t leave room for argument.

“Got it.” Through the wall of wings, she heard booted footsteps retreating.

Alexei let his wings drop and draped his now-wrinkled shirt around her shoulders, his scent soothing as much as his touch with whatever new crisis awaited. Once he’d covered her bare skin, he spoke toward the door. “Now, tell me what could possibly excuse you barging in here.”
