Page 102 of The Darkest Mark

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I ran into the deep woods.

Liam found me in the woods, and we ran together as wolves. I felt a tightness in my chest ease as I ran beside him, dodging between trees and jumping over thick roots and exposed tree stumps.

The scent of the forest soothed me, but my brother's shadowy form slipping through the trees was even more calming. We couldn't speak, but I knew he understood everything I felt: the mingled love and frustration with Stone, the protectiveness and uncertainty with Amelia.

We ran until I could go no further, until my lungs burned and my heart pounded, and then we slowed to a walk. The problems hadn't faded, but I felt like I could handle them again. Liam moved closer to me, our paws silent over the leaves.

Eventually we made our way back home, loping through the trees along the borders of our territory.

It was the first time in a long time that my brother had sought me out and we had run together.

When we shifted back, it was dusk. The two of us side-by-side at the edge of the water where the creek connected with the river, water tumbling by urgently as the sun sank beneath the horizon.

“Her nightmares are going to be worse tonight,” Liam told me. “You should sleep near her. It will comfort her.”

“I can’t sleep in her bed. Not with Dylan.”

Liam was quiet, and after a second, I added, “Do you think it would help her if I slept in the hall?”

“You’d have to kick Cole out of his place.”

I ran my fingers through my hair. “God, Liam. What are we doing?”

He shrugged. He was never the one I went to for life advice, so maybe it was rude of me to start now.

“I’m going to ask Louisa for some tea to help her sleep.” I got to my feet. “Do you want to come?”

He shook his head. “I don’t think I have any interest in being face to face with Lousia after she enabled Stone’s stupidity. And she shouldn’t have any interest in being face to face with me.”

I nodded. “All right. Well… I’ll see you later then.”

I hadn’t seen Liam so lucid and present in a long time. Since before he was taken away. I didn’t really remember that version of my brother very well.

But it made me want to stay with him while it lasted.

He ducked his head, dismissing me, still staring out at the wild river.

I clapped him on the shoulder and left him behind, walking through the woods until I reached Louisa’s house.

When she opened the front door to me, she looked sad. “Shaw…”

“It’s all right. I know you’ve got to do what Stone asks.” I was angry with her, but I tried to push it down. My anger really belonged to Stone. “But she already has nightmares. Could you make her some of that calming potion? The one you made for Liam?”

He’d refused to take it after the first few times. He’d insisted that the nightmares were real and no one should have to go through them alone. I rubbed my hand across my face, wondering where to even start with my brothers.

“Of course.” She stepped back, inviting me in. As she bustled around in the kitchen, pulling out various herbs, she told me, “I told Stone it was a bad idea.”

“And he didn’t listen. I’m shocked.” I took a seat at one of the stools at her kitchen island.

“I’d say he means well, but you don’t want to hear it.”

“I already know it. That’s the exasperating thing about Stone.”

She pushed a marble mortar and pestle my way, then shook a few final herbs into it. “Grind those for me, will you?”

“Sure.” I set to work, and the herbs released their relaxing fragrance. Hopefully this would help Amelia. It seemed like so little to offer her.

“So. What are you going to do with the girl?”

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