Page 2 of Ravaged Innocence

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“I said to stay back here.” Once again, I’m lifted off my feet and carried into the back room. He doesn’t put me on my feet this time. Instead he slips me onto the table. Placing his hands flat on the tabletop on either side of me, he has me trapped.

“Do that again, Pchelka, and you’re going to find out what happens to bad girls who disobey me.”

“His hand.” I point to the back of my hand. “There was a knife through it.”

He nods. “There was.”

“Your friends did that.”

“You were told to stay back here.” His voice is gravely, but soft. It’s like he doesn’t want to spook me anymore than I’ve already been.

“You came here for him, for Mario.”

“You know him?” He frowns.

“He’s here a lot.” I nod. If this guy and his friends were here for Mario, the situation just got a lot more dangerous. “Who are you?” I ask, dragging my gaze to meet his.

He runs his tongue over the top of his teeth beneath his lip. “My name is Luka Vladimirovich Romanov.” The name rolls off his tongue as though made of silk. He stands straight, dropping his hands to his sides.

I think for a moment, I’ve heard the name before. “Romanov.” My eyes widen. “You’re a Romanov.”

His eyes narrow a fraction. “How do you know my family?”

“People talk, I hear names.” I take a steadying breath. “I don’t listen though. I mean, not really. I don’t know anything.” I’m rambling. I know enough about Mario to know that the men he works for aren’t going to be happy the Romanov family came in for a talk today. I don’t want to be involved in any of that. I just want my paycheck and tips so I can get my rent paid and scrape together enough money to pay for another two classes next semester.

“You know the name Romanov though.”

“That’s all I know.” I nod fast. “I don’t know you or whoever is out there. I don’t know anything.”

His mouth kicks up on the left in a sarcastic grin. “You’re not in danger, Pchelka. Unless you decide to run off again.”

His words from a few moments ago finally hit me and my face heats. “I’m not going to stay back here forever,” I say.

“Avery! Are you all right?” Kevin bursts through the door. I suppose I should be grateful he finally remembered I’m back here with this Russian hulk.

“Avery.” Luka says my name like he’s testing it, then he grins.

“Hey. Luka.” Another man follows Kevin. He has a weaker accent, but I can tell he’s one of Luka’s friends. “We’re done here.”

“All right,” Luka says, still keeping his piercing gaze on me.

“Shouldn’t you go then?” I question him.

“I’ll meet you later,” he tells his friend without turning away. Maybe he doesn’t trust me. He shouldn’t. Because the moment his attention moves away from me, I’m going to bolt. This time I’ll be smart and run for the back entrance and take my chances outrunning him down the alley. It’s been a while since I ran a sprint, but I’m smaller than him. Surely his bulk will hold him back.

His friend rattles off something in Russian that makes Luka turn his head toward him. Luka fires off a response, but his tone is darker. Harder.

“You should see to your customer out there,” the second Russian man says to Kevin.

“I want to be sure Avery’s all right.” Kevin’s voice rattles, but at least he didn’t just walk back out.

Luka’s eyes narrow, and he twists around to address Kevin. “You wait until the danger is over before being sure she’s safe.” He leaves me, stalking over to Kevin. “How can I be sure she’s going to be safe once we leave?”

“You have this handled.” The other Russian grins and disappears back through the door.

“She’s safe.” Kevin nods frantically, all the color drained from his face.

“Avery. Get your things,” Luka commands me without so much as a glance in my direction. I realize in a heartbeat that this is my chance and I jump off the table. I snatch my purse hanging on a hook in the back and make a run for the back door.
