Page 23 of Ravaged Innocence

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“I love it. It’s beautiful. My entire apartment could probably fit here in the foyer.”

And there’s the issue. I cup her chin, bringing her attention away from her surroundings to me. “You didn’t strike me as the type to get caught up in something like that.”

She shakes her head loose from my hand. “I’m not.”

Her phone rings and she shuffles through her purse until she finds it. With a finger in the air, she takes the call and turns away from me.

“Hey… No, I haven’t checked yet… okay, yeah, I’ll get on and check. Thanks.” There’s a long pause while the person on the other side talks. She glances over her shoulder at me, then takes two long steps toward the living room while she mutters into the receiver. “No, I’m fine. Thanks though… I swear, he’s not—” She laughs. Laughs! “It’s fine, you’re being so nice. Thanks for checking on me.” Another “uh-huh” and then one more and she hangs up the call, shoving the phone back in her bag before turning back toward me, her cheeks flushed.

“Who was that?” It’s none of my business, but I’m making it my business. Her cheeks are pink, and I don’t like that I’m not the one who put that tint to them.

“It was just James.” She shrugs. “He wanted to let me know the grades from our test this morning were posted online.”

I stalk toward her. “And why does he need to call you about that? Don’t you check for yourself?” I gently pry her purse strap from her shoulder and slip it off her arm.

“What are you doing?” She tries to grab the purse from me, but I pull it away before she can get a hold of it. “Luka, you can’t take my phone.”

I raise my eyebrow. “I just did.” I hang her purse from my forefinger as I carry it to the front closet. “You don’t need it tonight.” I hang it on the hook just inside the door.

“You’re jealous.” She fists her hands on her hips, a smile dancing on her pretty lips. Lips I’d rather see wrapped around my cock than uttering such silly things. I don’t get jealous. To be jealous, I would have to first see this James person as a rival. And he’s no such thing.

“Did he ask about me?” I question her, remembering how he looked at her when I met up with her on campus. He’d looked hopeful before I interrupted them.

“He wanted to make sure you weren’t some lunatic murderer.”

“You’re lying.” I narrow my eyes.

“Not lying, teasing.” She throws my own words back at me. “He just wanted to be sure I was all right. You have a look you know; I mean you give off a dangerous vibe.”

“I’m a dangerous man,” I admit. “He would be smart to remember that.”

“Luka, he’s just a nice guy that’s in my class. He wanted to be sure I was all right. That’s all.”

I shrug. “If you say so.” She has no idea how much that boy wants to get in her pants, or what I’ll do to him if he tries.

I take her overnight bag, which she didn’t fill with enough clothes to suit how long I want to keep her here with me, down the hall toward my bedroom.

“Luka, wait. I changed my mind. I should go home tonight. I mean, I have work in the morning anyway, and its way uptown. It’s closer to my apartment.” Her excuses are wasted on me. And they’re coming too late. We’re already here.

I keep walking.

“You’re not listening.”

“I am. But you’re not saying anything worth responding to,” I throw over my shoulder as I lead her down the long hall to my bedroom door.

“I must have been insane to agree to come here with you.” She huffs, and it’s adorable the way she crosses her arms over her chest and her lips purse together. But it’s the darkness that touches the edges of her stare that makes me crave her obedience. She has a fire inside her, and I would never stomp it out. But I sure as fuck want to tame it, to make the flames of her fire dance to my tune.

“If it will make you feel better, your agreement was unnecessary.”

“See. You say things like that, and I’m supposed to just waltz into your bedroom?” Once again, her body betrays her words. The shirt she’s wearing is flimsy. It’s easy to see her nipples pebble beneath the cheap cotton.

“Walking is fine, no need to dance. Although…” I lean low to her ear. “Crawling would be even better, Pchelka.”

A soft moan of excitement escapes her lips before she can think better to stop it.

“And if you keep pushing me, I won’t let you off your knees the rest of the night,” I promise, nipping at her earlobe.

“Should I decide for you?” I pull back and lock our gazes together when she seems frozen to the floorboards.
