Page 25 of Ravaged Innocence

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“Yes. I have to take care of it. You stay here. I’ll be home soon.” I button my shirt back up.

“Back. You’ll be back soon,” she says, but it’s soft and more to herself than to me. I realize now what I said. I also realize I meant it.

“Don’t leave, Avery. If I have to track you down again, the little spankings you’ve had so far will seem like feather dustings.”

She slides off the bed. “Understood.”

I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her to me, kissing her soundly. “And don’t be wearing anything either. If you get in bed, you get in naked.”

“Another rule?”


“We really should write these down.”

I smack her ass. “I’ll help you remember.” My phone beeps again. “I have to go.”

“Go.” She pushes against my chest. “It sounds important.”

I kiss her once more, relishing in the taste of her innocence before I hurry off to take care of the bastard who dared harm Stepan.


“Someone didn’t sleep muchlast night,” Stella, one of the librarians, remarks when I yawn for the third time in the last five minutes.

I laugh off her comment, but it’s true. Even though Luka’s bed is amazing, I spent most of the night tossing and turning, waiting for him to come back. I’m not sure when I finally fell asleep, but the last check of the clock had read three in the morning. When I woke up this morning though, he was in the kitchen. Fully dressed and ready for the day with no explanation of what happened last night.

“It’s been a long morning.” I wheel the empty re-shelve cart around the central circulation desk and put it away. My shift is minutes away from being over, but I’m not going to be able to leave once I punch out. Checking my grades this morning proved that I had in fact failed yesterday’s anatomy test. The grade wasn’t enough to sour my mood on its own, but the email from Professor Scotts that he wanted to speak to me today did the trick.

I barely made it to my early medical terminology class on time this morning, so I wasn’t able to head to his office until after my shift at the library. Which is… now.

“You know, Avery, there’s a position opening up here in the library that offers more hours. It’s a little more money, too, if you’re interested.” Stella leans her hip against the counter.

“Really?” I sling my purse over my shoulder. “What’s the position?”

“Circulation Assistant.”

I wrinkle my brow. “Isn’t that what I’m doing now?”

She shakes her head. “Not really, you’re like the assistant to the assistant.” She smiles and leans her head toward Cindy sitting behind her at the checkout desk. Cindy is usually the one who calls me up to the desk to get the re-shelving.

“She’s leaving?”

Stella nods. “Next week. It pays two dollars more an hour than you’re making now, but it comes with more hours. You’d be working Monday through Friday six hours a day. I know you’re taking classes, and I think we can work around those pretty easily this semester, and next semester we’ll come up with something more permanent that you can hopefully work your classes around.”

Calculations fly through my head. Two dollars more an hour along with the extra hours, I’d be making a few hundred more a month and wouldn’t have to keep my job at the grocery store. Two jobs for more money than the three I have now.

“I’ll do it,” I agree. It’d be silly not to.

She claps her hands together. “Oh good. I was afraid I’d have to go through the whole interview process.”

“But what about my job. Don’t you have to hire for that?” I ask.

She shakes her head. “Your job is a student filled position. I just let the department know we need another student, and they send someone over. We got lucky with you, some of the people they send us have been some real…” She cuts herself off. “Well, they weren’t as good of a worker as you.”

I grin. “Understood. So, when do I start that?” I ask, knowing I’ll need to give notice at the grocery.

“Two weeks. She’s here until the end of next week, so the Monday following?”
