Page 31 of Ravaged Innocence

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Her thighs tighten so much they start to shake when she raises up to her tip toes. I twist my fingers, plowing harder and faster into her tight heat while my tongue flicks over her clit.

“Do you want to come?” I ask, keeping my fingers going.

“I do.”

“Then ask.” I want to chuckle at the incredulous look in her eyes when I give the command, but I keep myself in check.

“Luka, let me come, please.”

“No.” I shake my head, then dive back into her sweet folds, running my tongue up and down until she groans again.

“Luka, please, may I come?” she tries again.

“No.” I slip a third finger into her cunt, and she smacks the side of the tub with the heel of her hand.

“Please, Luka. I’m sorry I didn’t answer your calls or your texts. I’m sorry.” Ah, now she’s catching on.

“Good girl.”

“Please.” She huffs. Her breathing becomes labored, and her pussy clenches around my fingers. She’s so close. If I deny her, she might not be able to hold back, even if she wants to.

“Please, Luka. Can I come, please?” Her voice is strained. She’s closer than I thought.

I look up at her while flicking the tip of my tongue over her clit. “Yes, Pchelka. Come for me. I want to taste you, all of you.”

I twist my fingers again, bending them until I find the exact spot that sends her off into orbit. In one thrust of my fingers, she’s screaming her release. Her thighs shake, tighten around me.

“Luka! Fuck! Luka!” She’s nearing the breaking point, but I’m not done. I want every bit of her honey.

Only when her pussy stops contracting around my fingers do I let up and pull back from her clit. Her lids are heavy when she looks down at me. Poor girl has had a stressful afternoon, and now I’ve completely exhausted her.

I’m not at all sorry.

“Stay here, Pchelka.” I kiss the inside of her thigh as I drag my fingers from her pussy and get to my feet. Quickly, I find a towel and wet it. Her hair is mostly dry by now, but her feet have little wrinkles in the skin from the soaked sock she was wearing. Once I have her cleaned up, I scoop her into my arms and carry her to the bed in the other room.

“What about the warm bath?” she asks, right before letting a big yawn out.

“You need sleep. Once you’re rested, I’ll make you a bath,” I promise her while I work the thick quilt out from beneath her and then cover her naked body with it.

“I can’t just take a nap; I have things to do.” She tries to get up, but I push her back down by her shoulder.

“If you get out of this bed you won’t like what happens,” I tell her, and for a moment she looks tempted. My girl will definitely be keeping me on my toes.

“Fine. A little nap,” she agrees and snuggles herself beneath the covers. “A short one. One hour, Luka. Not a minute more.” She points a finger at me.

I kiss the tip of it. “Put that finger away before I make you use it in ways that will make your cheeks turn red for me.”

She squishes her face up and throws her hand beneath the covers.

“One hour,” I promise.


I’m starvedby the time I get back to Luka’s penthouse from my shift at the library. The moment the elevator doors slide open, I drop my backpack on a random chair and hightail myself right to the kitchen.

Luka employs a housekeeper and a chef, neither of which I’ve actually seen yet. I can’t tell if they’re afraid of crossing paths with him or if he pays them to stay out of his way. The only evidence the chef actually exists are the warm meals left on the stove.

Drool forms the moment I lift the lid to the pot. Beef Stroganoff. I waste no time grabbing a bowl and filling it. I’m going to get fat if I stay here with Luka much longer. There’s always something delicious to eat at all times of the day. I’m being spoiled. The empty fridge waiting for me at home will be harder to revisit after this place.
