Page 34 of Ravaged Innocence

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“Well, they will soon, I think.” Stepan nods. “Their fight was over territory around the Bronx. They both wanted the rights to sell.”

“Sell what? The De Lucas deal in the flesh trade, not drugs,” Nikolai explains. “And if he did, I’m sure he’d go after the hard shit like cocaine, not a party drug like the ecstasy we sell.”

“That’s not what it sounded like.” Stepan pulls out a baggie from his pocket. “This fell out of his pocket when they were fighting each other. One of my guys grabbed it. That’s the Romanov symbol on it, right?”

Nikolai takes the bag and inspects the pills inside. “These could have been for their own use.”

“I would have thought that too, but they were talking about getting a recipe from someone. I was only half paying attention because I wasn’t at the club for them. I was watching Rodion’s men. It could be nothing, but it sounded like something I should bring to you. I know there were issues with Anton taking his own line to the streets.”

“I thought we got all the traitors, maybe not.” Nikolai fists the bag and pockets it. “I’ll bring it to my brothers, and we can decide what to do with it.” He turns to me. “You went after the shooter. Is he available for questions, or is that only hopeful thinking?”

I shrug. My knuckles are stiff and sore today. “I’m sure you can talk through a wired jaw.”

“I’ll have my guys pick him up and see what we can get out of him,” Nikolai says. “When do you go back to Russia?”

“My plans are open,” I admit. I hadn’t given it any thought in the recent days. I have no pressing matters back home that I have to get back for. If I’m called home, I can deal with it then. My only thoughts these past days have been to get as much of Avery in my day as possible.

“Good.” He nods. “I may need you again.”

“Just let me know.” I nod.

“I’m seeing my father and my brother on Sunday for a family dinner. I’ll bring it up to them then.” He pulls out another cigarette and lights it. “If they’re talking by then. My father came home last night and found out Arman married Anton’s daughter, Anya.”

“Before Arman could tell him?” Stepan asks with wide eyes. “He didn’t take it well?”

Nikolai blows out a cloud of smoke and chuckles. “No. He did not.”

“You two really are a couple of old hens.” I shake my head at them.

Nikolai takes another drag. “It keeps my mind from worrying about my wife,” he says.

“Is she unwell? Her pregnancy?” I ask, more concerned now. The image of Avery’s belly swollen with my child tucked safely inside blossoms in my mind. She would never set foot outside of the penthouse. She’d have every need catered to, and if she so much as tried to leave, I’d tie her to the bed until her water broke.

“She’s fine, but insanely stubborn about work. She’s cut back a lot, but she is still on her feet too much. I don’t like it.” He shakes his head.

“Then tell her to stop,” Stepan says with an incredulous expression on his face. “You tell her to keep her ass at home. What’s the matter with you?”

Nikolai looks to me. “Would your little college student listen if you did that?”

I laugh. “Avery? No. She’d tell me to fuck off and then storm out of the penthouse first chance she had.” And I’d catch her and spank her ass red for it too, right before loving her until she couldn’t breathe.

Nikolai grins. “These women, they will give us grey hairs well before our time.”

I nod. “Just wait until your child is born. A daughter will have you wrapped around her little pinkie before you can bat an eye. A son will be a fierce defender of his mama, making her even more bold in her rebellion.”

His grin fades, and he takes a long drag of his cigarette. “I hadn’t thought of it that way. I’ve only been concerned with her pregnancy.”

“Now look what you did.” Stepan smacks my shoulder.

“He’ll be fine.” I check the time on my watch. Avery will be home soon, and after having spent most of yesterday away from her, I want to play catch up. “I have to get going. Avery needs to be picked up from school.”

“Text me the information you have on the asshole I need to talk to,” Nikolai calls after me as I head to my car. I wave over my head an assurance I’ll do just that.

First, I shoot a text to Osip to tell him I’ll get Avery, and then I speed off toward her school.


The brandnew shoes Luka purchased for me and had delivered sit on the living room table, lined up like naughty little suspects. He didn’t just get me a new pair of sneakers. He also bought a pair of black heels, a pair of black ballet flats, and two pairs of sandals—one with a wedge heel and one without.
