Page 43 of Ravaged Innocence

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“Let them,” I say. “Ever hear their conversations?”

“I don’t eavesdrop on the customers.” She rolls her eyes. “Let me go, Luka, or I’ll—”

I cock my head to the side. “You’ll what? Throw a fit? I know how to fix that, don’t I, Pchelka?”

Her cheeks blossom into the red inferno that makes my cock hard. I let go of her pants. “Don’t think I won’t pull you into the back room and remind you how to behave,” I warn.

“I’m at work.” Her eyes go wide and flicker over to Maxim.

“Don’t worry about him.” I wave at Maxim, who is doing his best not to laugh out loud. “If you were his, he’d do the same thing.”

“I wouldn’t,” Maxim argues with a cocky grin. “If my girl tried something as childish as a temper tantrum, I’d bare her ass right where she was and give her the spanking she earned. I wouldn’t be so soft as to bring her to the back room.”

“I’m not soft,” I argue. “And you know damn well I’d do the same, but I don’t need to scare her while she’s at work. I just need her to behave,” I add in Russian, so she doesn’t understand my message.

He laughs. “So, you’re pretending to be soft, so you don’t scare her, but I think you’ve done enough already to make her run for the hills. Yet here she stands,” he points to her as he rattles on.

“If you’re not going to speak in English, I have work to do,” she says.

“Back to work with you!” I wave a hand in the air. She rolls her eyes at me. “And bring us some of those nachos,” I add.

“You’re playful.” Maxim gawks at me.

I clear my throat and wipe the smile from my mouth. “I’m hungry, not playful.”

“You’re teasing her, laughing with her…” He points a finger at me. “You like her.”

“Of course I like her.” It’s a safe enough statement.

“It’s more than that I think.” He leans against the booth and hooks his arms over the back.

“Stop thinking, you’ll hurt your brain,” I warn. “Have you heard anything else about De Luca’s men looking to worm their way into the trade?”

“Why aren’t you on a plane back to Russia yet?” he asks instead.

“The recipes.” I try to keep on course.

“Fuck that. There’s enough of us here to deal with that. It’s not even your expertise. You’re a hunter. You found your prey, so why are you still here?”

“You don’t like seeing me?” I raise my eyebrows.

“Always good to see you, but you’re not one to stick around when the job is done. So… again, why are you still here?”

Avery picks that moment to show up at the table with a large platter of nachos.

“Here you go.” She turns to Maxim. “Would you like a drink?”

“Two shots of vodka.”

“Be right back.” She turns on her heel and walks away.

Maxim pulls his phone from his jacket and curses. “I missed a call from Nikolai.”

“He has you on a short leash?”

Maxim shoots me a quick glare. “No. But he’s dealing with his father’s overreaction to his marriage.”

“Igor? He’ll get over it. Anton’s daughter doesn’t carry his sin.” I bite down on a cheese covered chip.
