Page 46 of Ravaged Innocence

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“Nikolai owns this club.” He slips his hand over mine. “We have a table upstairs,” he says into my ear, then leads me through the sea of people—which part for him as though he were Moses himself—to a set of stairs.

Upstairs, we’re alone. The balcony has room enough for at least a hundred people, if not more. There’s a small bar area against the back wall. The music, while still easily heard, plays less obnoxiously up here.

“Again, you rented the whole area for just us?” I put my drink down on a small table near the railing overlooking the dance floor below. “Doesn’t your cousin need this area for his VIPs or something?”

“He leaves this area open for his family and friends.” Luka puts his empty glass next to mine and presses his body against my backside. Immediately, I feel the steel rod of his cock against my ass. He leans farther, pressing his hands against the railing on either side of me. “I wanted privacy.”

“Then why didn’t we just stay at your penthouse?” I ask, turning so I can see his profile. “Why did you make me change, then bring me here?” I’m sporting another of the dresses he had sent over for me. This one is short and black, strapless, and the Jimmy Choo shoes make my calves look killer.

“Let me see your phone, Pchelka.” He presses a kiss to my cheek. “Show me how naughty you were.”

My stomach drops. I have a good feeling what he wanted privacy for.

“You don’t need to check my phone.” I laugh.

“Ah, so you’ll confess then?”

“Confess to what?” I’m trying to sound innocent. Maybe if I put the vibe out there, he’ll catch it.

“I’m not sure, but that look you had on your face while you were texting told me you were being naughty and didn’t want to get caught.” He moves his hand to my hip, sliding it slowly down to my ass cheek and then over, clutching me. “So, tell, me, Pchelka, what were you doing?”

“It’s not fair that you can just look at me and know what I’m thinking.” It’s a pout, but I’m entitled.

“You make it so easy.” He kisses my jaw. “I can tell when you’re planning something naughty.” He kisses my cheek. “I can tell when you’re studying so hard your brain hurts.” He kisses my temple. “And I can tell when you’re so close to coming I only need to make one little move to make you scream my name.”

He bites down on my earlobe. A bolt of desire runs through me, and I have to bite back a moan, else risk his ego blowing up the club.

“So, tell me. What did you do?” He moves his hand to my purse, retrieving my phone and wrapping his arm around me so we can both look at the screen together. “Last chance to confess.”

“You’re invading my privacy,” I grumble, which makes him laugh.

“Okay then.” He swipes his finger across my screen. I really should have put a password on that thing. The text messaging app opens right away because I never remember to close anything when I’m done with it.

“See, nothing.”

“What does a thumbs up mean?” He points to the emoji.

“Right? I don’t know. Either it means he saw it and is just acknowledging that, or he agrees with me. I’m not sure.” I try to grab the phone, but he moves it out of my reach.

“So, you told him you’d be going back in a few weeks.” His chest rumbles against my back every time he speaks. “Even though I said you’d never work there again.”

“And I won’t. At least not while you’re here. But when you go home… I have to work, Luka.”

He drops my phone back into my purse. “I don’t want to talk about me going back to Russia. I have no reason to go back, but you’ve given me plenty of reason to stay.” He grabs my hips and spins me around until I’m staring up at him.

“You work for… well, who you work for. You’ll have to go back at some point.”

His eyes narrow. “I can do as much damage from here as I can from Moscow. But I do travel.” With a single finger he lifts my purse strap from my shoulder and takes it from me, dropping it on the table.

“You can’t stay here just because you like to…” I take a deep breath. “Just because you like fucking me.”

He tilts his head to the side while studying me. “You think I’d stay because of sex?” He gathers the short skirt of my dress in one fist, until he’s able to reach beneath it. “Because of this pussy?” He slides his fingers between my thighs. Per his usual direction, I’m going commando. This is why he likes it; he wants full access whenever he decides.

“I’m not that stupid,” I whisper, turning my face away from him. When his fingers dance like this over my clit, through my folds, it’s impossible to look at him without my face burning hot.

“Do you know why I would stay?” He slides two fingers up into my entrance. “I’d stay because of you. I have no plans to leave,” he says, stroking me from the inside.

“Luka, people might see,” I say against his chest; he’s pressed so hard against me.
