Page 5 of Ravaged Innocence

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“Kill you?” His eyes go wide. “No.”

“Then why are you here?”

“You should eat.” He points to the pizza.

Can you get whiplash from a conversation?

“Not until you fucking tell me what you’re doing here!” I yell, having come to the end of my rope. I want answers, and I’m not doing anything until I have them.

He cocks his head to the side. “I don’t like swearing either.”

He doesn’t like swearing…

“From me or in general?” Apparently, his insanity is contagious.

“From you.” He sits on the edge of the bed, making the frame creak beneath his weight. It’s not built for a man like him. He dwarfs it. Hell, he dwarfs everything in here.

“Luka.” I pause to take a cleansing breath through my nose to keep from screaming at the top of my lungs. Because if I scream, it’s likely one of the other tenants will hear me through these paper-thin walls, and it’s possible one of them might come to find out what’s going on. And if that happens, it’s entirely possible this criminal will hurt them.

“Luka, what do you want? What can I do to make you leave?”

He gets up from the bed and takes purposeful steps in my direction. The look in his eyes is so predatory, and for every step he takes forward, I go backward until my back is up against the door. When he reaches me, he presses his left hand against the door while his right hand trails along my jaw.

“You are an interesting woman, Avery.” He sounds amused. “You ran from me.” He slides his hand up my cheek until he’s holding me firmly. “It was a very naughty thing to do, and I told you if you ran again, you’d find out what I do to bad girls that disobey.”

“You’re here because you think I disobeyed you?” I swallow hard. I’m not sure what dimension this man crawled out of, but it’s not the same one I’m living in. Men don’t talk this way. This isn’t normal.

He runs the pad of his thumb over my cheekbone as he leans in, brushing his lips softly against mine. My stomach trembles at his touch. Then he kisses me again, harder, pressing me against the door as his tongue sweeps past my lips. His pelvis pushes against me, and I feel him.

All of him.

With a small kiss to my cheek, he breaks away but locks onto my eyes. “You were a very naughty girl, making me chase you.” His accent combined with his gravelly tone makes me want to run from my apartment screaming, but also grab his beard and drag him down for another breath-stealing kiss. And considering how addle-brained he’s made me since he’s walked into my apartment, I have no idea which path I will choose.

“You shouldn’t say things like that,” I clear my throat, hoping to strengthen my voice. “You can’t just barge into people’s apartments like this.”

He runs the tip of his finger down the length of my nose. “How many things a day do you think I do, that I shouldn’t?”

Is he teasing me right now?

“A lot.” My shoulders slump. I doubt this man has ever thought of what he should or shouldn’t do before acting in his life.

“Should I punish you now for running away, or should I let you have your dinner first?” He tips his head one way, then the other, as though he’s actually considering his options.

“P-punish me?” Why does his accent make everything he say so much sexier than it should be?

“I agree.” He gives a curt nod, then wraps his hand around my arm, dragging me to the back of the couch. “This will work.”


My toes aren’t even touchingthe floor once he has me bent over the back of the couch. No amount of pushing up is getting me back to my feet either. His bearlike paw presses into my back, keeping me exactly where he put me.

Dangling over the back of my couch like a rag doll.

“Luka. No. Stop.” I push against the couch cushions, but I’m no match for his strength. I’d have more luck stopping a freight train.

“Don’t worry, Pchelka, this is your first punishment. I will not use my belt.”

Am I seriously supposed to be comforted by that concession? “Don’t use anything! Let me up!” I argue, but it’s all muffled between my struggles and the cushions.
