Page 56 of Ravaged Innocence

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He huffs. “Not my call or yours. Besides, it makes them feel important.”

I take another drink. I’m a hired gun. I kill who they order killed, and I stay put when they say stay put. This arrangement was enough for once upon a time. But that was before Avery. Now, going out on a hunt doesn’t have the same appeal it did.

“And De Luca? What does he have to do with anything?”

“That’s more complicated.” Maxim’s eyebrows raise. “Enzo De Luca is the youngest brother; he has no real power in their family. The black sheep. He’s been trying to make a name for himself by starting his own drug ring, except he doesn’t have the pull or the manpower to do it. So, he’s been trying to get the Romanov’s shit.”

“Without his family’s approval?” Going behind the family’s back to start up his own business stream is cause enough for trouble, but to involve another family when there is peace is more danger than that asshole could handle.

“Looks like. That’s why he was using low level assholes to do his dirty business. How he latched on to Stepan is the only piece that’s missing here. Why would Stepan get involved with that prick and go against his own blood?”

“Where is he?” That’s only one among many questions I have for him. I’ve known him since we were young boys. Why would he do such a thing? It was only due to the unwavering trust I had for him that I did not question him last night when he came to the penthouse. And because of that, I left Avery with Budimir. The trust I held for Stepan blinded me to the danger. There can always be retaliation after a hit, and instead of keeping my guard up and protecting her, I left her vulnerable because of the trust I had in a traitor.

“He’s at the Romanov warehouse.” He pauses a beat. “In the basement.” No one who is brought to the basement leaves it.

“I have questions before anything final is done.”

Maxim nods. “I spoke with Gregor this morning. Nikolai’s dealing with his father, and Arman is tied up at the moment, so Gregor is handling Stepan.”

“Fine. Just so long as he knows, nothing final until I’m there.” I point a finger at him.

“He knows.” He picks up his phone when it dances on the table, checks it, and drops it back down.

“What’s happening with Igor?” I change the subject to Nikolai’s father. The blowback for Rodion’s death will pass once enough compensation is offered. It’s temporary, staying here.

“Eh, it’s a mess over there. Igor is probably moving back to Russia for the time being, and Arman fucked up with his wife.”

I stare at him a moment then turn away.

“What are you going to do with Avery?” he asks.

“I’m going to let her sleep off the sedative.”

“No, asshole. Tomorrow, when you’re in the clear and you go back to the city. Are you taking her with you to your penthouse?”

“I haven’t made any decisions yet.” I look away from him and drink my beer.

“Shit.” He shakes his head. “You’re going to be just as dumb as your cousin.”

“What does that mean?”

“It means you obviously love this girl, or you wouldn’t have had her with you all this time. You love her, but you’re actually thinking about leaving her? Why?”

“This isn’t the world she deserves. She’s better than this. Hiding away because some asshole wants revenge for something I did. She deserves the best, and this…” I gesture to our surroundings. “Isn’t it.”

“You’re an idiot,” he barks at me.

“Ah. So smart for someone who has no one.”

“If love makes me act like you and Arman, I want no part in it.” He stands up from the table and downs his beer in three large gulps. “I’m going to check the cameras, make sure everything’s safe.”

“You do that.” I grab my bottle and head for the back porch. The night’s breeze will cool off my temper. When Avery wakes up, she’s going to be pissed and scared. I need to have myself in complete control so I can deal with her.


I don’t remember drinkinganything last night, but my head throbs as though I finished off a bottle of Jack all by myself. That alone is concerning, but finding myself in a completely strange bedroom has me more worried.

It takes a few minutes for the events of last night to load into my memory, but once they do, I bolt from the bed. Assuming the door would be locked, I yank hard enough on it that I fly backward when it easily opens.
