Page 63 of Ravaged Innocence

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I laugh. “We can work on it later.”

He wraps his hands around my waist, grabbing my ass. “We’ll work on it now.”


One month later…

I wrapmy hand around her throat, pressing only enough for her to know that I’m not going to be gentle. With my free hand, I reach over and flick off the burner on her stove. Whatever she was cooking can wait.

“Tell me again you love me,” I order as I walk her backward to her narrow bed against the wall. I hate this thing. I can’t properly hold her when we sleep, but we’re not going to be sleeping now.

Her glorious eyes go wide as she captivates me with her gaze. “I love you, Luka,” she says with a soft smile on her lips.

“Get these clothes off.” I release her throat and give her enough room to undress while I shed my clothes as well. Once we’re both naked, I push her gently onto the bed, climbing on after her and settling between her sweet thighs.

She reaches for me. “Luka.”

I move over her body, careful not to crush her beneath my weight, and take one nipple into my mouth. The soft hiss leaving her lips makes my cock twitch. It’s only been a week, but it might as well have been an eternity since I’ve last been inside her.

I wrap my hand around her throat once more, squeezing just enough for her to tense beneath me. With one powerful thrust, I’m balls deep in her hot, tight pussy. I have to hold still to collect my control or I’ll embarrass myself with the next thrust.

“Luka, please,” she says when I release her nipple.

I grin down at her. “Please what? Tell me what you want, and I’ll give it to you.” Unless she wants me to leave her alone. That’s not something I could ever do. Never again.

“Luka.” My name falls from her lips with a plea, but it’s not enough. It’s not what I want.

“I’m listening.” I turn my head, so she can speak into my ear. I’ll even allow her to whisper it, but I will have the words from her before I plow into her again.

“Please don’t stop.”

I turn my head to line up our gazes. I want to see the torment and the pleasure. “Please don’t stop what?”

I tighten my grip on her throat a fraction. Her pussy grips me even tighter. She’s getting slicker with need by the moment.

“Don’t stop fucking me,” she finally verbalizes.

My lips spread wider as I take in the beauty of her admission. I move my hand from her throat, enjoying the marks my fingers leave behind. They’ll fade in a moment, but briefly she will bear my markings.

I take her mouth beneath mine, biting down hard on her bottom lip just as I thrust forward into her. Her grunt turns into a siren’s mewling sound that makes my balls tight. Over and over again, I plow into her sweet heat. Her feet are flat on the bed, and she lifts her hips, matching my rhythm. The bed bangs into the wall, but it could fucking splinter in half right now and I couldn’t give a flying fuck.

She arches her back, running her nails down my arms.

“That’s right, Pchelka,” I mutter between kissing her lips and her cheeks and trying to pin her hips to the bed with one hand. But my girl won’t be tamed. She won’t hold still.

“Oh!” She screams and pulls her knees back farther, making her pussy squeeze around my cock.

“Fuck,” I groan. Finally able to get both hands on her hips, I push her into the mattress. “Give me what I want, Pchelka.” I maneuver one hand between our connected bodies and stroke her swollen and slippery clit. Immediately she bucks against me again.

“Luka!” she cries out my name and her dam bursts. Her pussy grips me, driving me further to my own demise as she rides the wave of her orgasm beneath me.

“Fuck. Fuck.” I groan as I continue to drive into her, chasing after the electricity calling to me. My spine tingles and my balls pull up tight. One last thrust and stars burst into my vision. I grit my teeth. The release is so powerful, I’m not sure I can breathe.

“Luka,” she whispers my name after a quiet moment. Her fingers lace into my hair, and she drags me down to her. She kisses my mouth, then pulls back. It’s a soft kiss, but it’s enough.

“You’re mine, Avery. And nothing will ever change that.”

“Nothing,” she echoes.
