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“She’s not good with it, Maxim. It took nothing to get it out of her hands.” He glanced at the toy. “It’s not good, her walking around with that thing. Someone’s going to shoot her before they realize she’s using a fucking toy.”

“What happened after you took it away?” I’m going to put away the thoughts of what could happen to her should she ever be so foolish as to pull this sort of thing again.

He lifts a shoulder. “When she refused to answer my questions, I had her put in my office and I called you.” He folds his arms over his chest again. “Now it’s your turn. What the fuck is going on?”

“She’s trying to find her brother. That’s Percy—but he goes by Gunner. He had a run-in with Nikolai months ago. He was dealing Romanov product—”

Arman puts up his hand. “I remember this, yes. But I have no idea what Nikolai did with him after he was finished with him.”

“I doubt she even knew you had brothers. I’m not sure what made her come here today. But I’ll find out.”

He nods. “She’s your responsibility, Maxim. But I think you’ve already taken that on, haven’t you?” The corner of his mouth tics.

“I brought her home last night like you asked.” I clench my jaw.

He full-out grins at me. “I have a feeling you’ll either try to kill me one day for that favor or you’ll be asking me to stand with you while you take your vows.”

“There’s a definite direction I favor at the moment.” All of this mess began with babysitting his wife while she was at work. It’s how I noticed Mandy. He’s responsible for all of this mess.

He chuckles. “She’s in my office. Take her home and deal with her.” He checks his watch. “Anya will be back soon, and I don’t want her seeing her friend like this. Or what she’ll look like after you’ve finished with her.”

“I’m keeping this.” I shove the airsoft pistol into the back of my pants.

“Fine.” He nods.

I march down the hall, already having her punishment playing out in my mind. She’s never going to do something so stupid, so foolish again. I’ll see to it.

“She’s a little pissed,” Alexi says when I get closer to the office. He’s standing guard outside.

“She’s not the only one. Did she give you any trouble once she was inside?” I ask.

“Trouble? No.” He laughs. “She was like a docile little kitten.”

I grunt. “Nothing about that woman is docile.”

“You’re right about that. Good luck with her.” He grins.

“I’m not the one who needs luck today.” I reach for the doorknob.


Voices.There are voices on the other side of the door just before it bursts open, and Maxim fills the empty space.

Dammit. Arman called Maxim. Of course he did. Here I’ve been hoping Anya would be home soon to make Arman let me leave. Instead, he’s been waiting for Maxim to come get me.

I push myself up from the chair and roll my shoulders back, ready for whatever the man wants to say. He looks ready to kill me, but I can’t let him see fear. Men like him feed on it.

After a long moment passes, his glare trying to melt me where I stand, I clear my throat to break up the quiet. He lets go of the door handle and steps inside the office.

“Let’s go,” he says with a jerk of his head toward the open doorway. And I’m supposed to just follow his orders now? I don’t think so.

“Where?” I ask, hopeful my jeans are hiding how shaky my legs are. Maxim works for the Romanovs. I doubt I would be his first kill.

He takes three long, steady strides toward me until the tips of his boots press on the tops of my toes. I inhale the musky scent of him as I tilt my head back to search out his eyes. The chill I find there makes me want to step back, but he presses harder on my toes. I’m stuck beneath his boots.

“I think you’ve asked enough questions today, don’t you,moy malen’kiy voin?” His warm breath bathes my face. He speaks in such a low voice, I might have missed it if I weren’t looking right at him. Not that his tone doesn’t offer volumes about his current mood.

“I just wanted to know—” His hand snaps around my throat when I start to speak, turning my voice into a squeak. He shakes his head and sighs, like he’s disappointed in me.
