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If she doesn’t get moving soon,I’m going to have to make her. As much as I love the fear mingling with the arousal in her eyes, it’s her obedience I want right now.

The blush on her cheeks deepens the longer she contemplates her fate, but it’s her ass that I’m going to redden even more. After more time than I should allow passes, she crawls onto the bed and lays with her cheeks pressed into the pillows. Her bare ass faces me.

There’s no evidence of the spanking I gave her this morning on her ass. It’s as creamy and soft as it was when I pulled her over my knees. It won’t be a blank canvas for much longer; my belt will mark her. She’ll see the consequences of her actions on her ass for at least a day, if not more.

“Hands at the headboard,moy malen’kiy voin.” I press one knee into the mattress, catching her wrists when she flings them toward me. It takes me only a moment to get the rope around her wrists and tied to the thick wood slats of the headboard I had made special for this very activity.

She’s not the first woman I’ve had bound to this bed, but she’s definitely the most interesting. My women have been willing, more than willing. Most beg to be here, but not Amanda.

“If you do this, Maxim, I’m never going to speak to you again. I will pretend you don’t even exist.” Her threat would be more menacing if her pupils weren’t so dilated. I might even take it to heart if I slide my hand through her folds and I don’t find her pussy wet for me. Just to test it, I do just that, gliding my forefinger across her ass cheeks then wiggling between her thighs until I find her sex, soaked and waiting for me.

“Your body tells me more than you will anyway.” I pat her cheeks, enjoying the little bounce they give. “Was I unclear this morning when I left your apartment?” I question as I work my belt buckle open. The jangle gets her attention. It always does in these situations.

“I understood you fine.” Her jaw clenches. Hell, her whole body does, as I rip the thick, well-used leather belt from my pants. Her toes curl at the sound of the leather rubbing against my trousers.

“Then you shouldn’t be surprised to find yourself face down on my bed, bound to the headboard awaiting your punishment.”

“I’m a grown woman!” She tugs against the binds, a little late for such a show of defiance. She’s not getting out of that knot.

“Then you really should have known better, yes?” I fold my belt in half, taking care to tuck the metal buckle into my palm. The goal is not to harm her. But this will hurt. Like hell.

Her eyes widen, but before she can form any words, I unleash the belt across both her ass cheeks. She stiffens, probably thinking it will help when I bring it down again, but her mouth drops open and she cries out. The third and fourth lash have her trying to roll to the side.

“If you do that, I’ll have to bind your legs to the bed.” I lower my aim to the back of her thighs, and she hisses. It’s a pretty sound. Not harsh and ugly, but sweet and savory.

“It hurts! More than before!” she cries out as I begin to really lay into her, making my way up her thighs to the under curve of her ass, over the generous curve then up her ass before making my way down again. I leave no bit of her creamy skin untouched.

Angry red marks crisscross her cheeks, but I’m more concerned with the sounds of her cries. My cock aches, pressing against my pants.

“Please! Maxim! I’m sorry I went out!” She tugs harder with her wrists, and twists one way then the other trying to avoid the belt. But I’m not done with her. I grab her waist and pin her down to the mattress, not giving her the ability to wiggle away.

“You need to understand now. You are my responsibility. You will follow every rule I give. You will obey every order. And if you don’t….” I stop to unleash the belt across her thighs. “This will be a pleasant memory compared to what I will do.” I sit on the bed, holding her still.

I toss the belt to the floor. I want to touch her. I want to feel each ripple of pain. Over and over again, I spank her with my open palm. It only takes another dozen swats before she’s openly sobbing into my pillow.

“The world is a dangerous place,moy malen’kiy voin.” I press my palm against the heat of her ass. “And it just got more dangerous for you.”

Her watery eyes meet mine. “I just want to find my brother.”

“You don’t have to do that alone anymore,” I assure her with a curt nod. “I’m going to help you.”

She sniffles. “I can do it myself.”

I sigh. “Maybe you can, but you’re not going to.” I stroke my fingertips along her thigh, over the red marks my belt has left behind. “Tell me the truth,moy malen’kiy voin. Are you wet?”

She turns her face away, burying her truth into the pillows.

“Ah. I think you are.” I push my hand between her thighs and find her even more wet than before. “You are.”

“I can’t help it,” she mutters into the pillow. “It doesn’t change that I hate what you just did.”

“No.” I reach up to the knot and quickly work it open. “But punishments aren’t meant to be enjoyed.”

Once her wrists are free, she pulls her hands beneath her, still keeping her expression from me.

Fuck that.

“Roll over,moy malen’kiy voin.”
