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A spotted catsits perched on the back of the couch when I wander into the living room looking for Maxim. He wasn’t in the bedroom when I woke this morning, and even though I took my time getting showered and dressed in the clothes he left folded on the nightstand, he still hasn’t appeared.

The penthouse is larger than I expected, with more rooms and short hallways than I would have thought. Most of the rooms are bedrooms, extra closets, and more bathrooms than I think a normal family would need.

But I finally found my way back to the front of the penthouse to the living room, where I stand, staring at what looks like a miniature tiger. It stares right at me then lifts its front right paw to lick it, the entire time keeping its eyes on me. As though I need to be watched at all times. When I take a step toward the couch, he narrows his eyes and drops his paw, waiting to see what I do.

“You’re awfully suspicious.” I slowly raise my hand to the back of his ears and scratch gently. He leans into my fingers.

“He’s letting you pet him?” Maxim appears from behind me. “Max never lets anyone but me touch him.”

The cat scoots closer to me and purrs.

“You named your cat after yourself?” I’m not sure if it’s more surprising that this enormous man has a cat or that he’s given him his own name.

“No. His name is Max. My name is Maxim.” He reaches over my hand and scratches his pet behind the other ear.

“Are you sure no one calls you Max?” I turn toward him, and Max immediately nudges my arm with his head. Maxim grunts.

“Not if they want to keep their tongue they don’t.” He drops his hand from Max and looks me over. “Good, the clothes fit. Anya said they would, but I wasn’t sure.”

“You had Anya send clothes?” My cheeks heat. I really flew off the reality train yesterday. If Anya sent clothes for me, she’s aware of what I did. “Does Arman know?”

“He does.” Maxim nods. “Are you hungry? There’s food.” He gestures to the doorway on the other side of the living room.

“No.” I shake my head. “I’m sorry you got pulled into my mess yesterday. It won’t happen again.” It’s a promise I’m not sure I can keep. I still need to get information from Nikolai Romanov, and I’m not sure how to do that.

“You should eat. It’s late, and I don’t think you had dinner last night.”

“I’ll grab something when I get home. I just need to get my purse and my phone.” I’m not sure how to take the busses from here. A cab will be more expensive, but it will also be quicker.

“I told you last night, Arman made you my responsibility. You stay here.” He looks back at Max, who is still rubbing against me purring loudly. “He likes you.” He says this as though he’s both surprised and annoyed by it. Like the cat has somehow betrayed him.

“Maxim, I can’t stay here. I have to work tomorrow,” I argue.

“Take vacation time.” He shuffles closer to me. He has to know how hard it is for me to concentrate when he’s towering over me like this. It’s a complete manipulation on his part.

I take a step away.

“I can’t just call in for a vacation. I have a new receptionist starting tomorrow. I need to be there to get her settled in and start her training.”

He strokes Max while he listens to me. “All right.” He nods after a long pause. “I’m sure you can manage to keep out of trouble while you’re at work. But you have to promise not to do anything related to your brother while you’re there. No calling around. No searching. Nothing.” He puts a finger in the air. “Your word, Amanda.”

“Don’t call me that. Everyone calls me Mandy.”

He shakes his head. “I like Amanda better. Mandy sounds… casual. And we’re not casual.” His explanation explains nothing at all.

“Maxim, you don’t let people call you Max because you don’t like it, right?” I fold my arms over my chest. I will win this battle.

He narrows his eyes. “My full name is Maxim.”

“But you don’t like when people call you Max, right?”

“I don’t allow it.”

“Well, I like my name, which is Mandy. Always has been.” I lift my eyebrows. It’s such a small victory. Just give it to me.

His nostrils flare when he exhales. “Fine. Mandy. But I will call you Amanda when you’ve been naughty, so you’ll know you’re in trouble.”

A win’s a win, and I have won!
