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“There’s no mail on Sundays,” I say, reaching out to take the paper from her.

“It was taped to the door when I got home,” she says.

I unfold the paper and read the scribbled note.


Stay away from the R’s. Too dangerous. Talk soon.


“Who’s J?”Maxim takes the paper from my hand.

“Jack?” It’s the first name that pops in my mind, and the only person I know with that initial. “Maybe that makes the Romanovs the R’s?”

He gives me a look. “Well, I’d say the warning is too late. And who is he to you?” His voice dips with the question.

“Just a guy from when we were kids. Gunner used to hang out with him.” I frown as I read the note again. “It doesn’t make any sense though. Jack told me he wasn’t going to come rescue me if I got in trouble with the Romanovs. He said he was staying out of it.”

“This guy knew you were going to Arman’s and said he wouldn’t protect you?” His tone is downright pitch black now. “Is this who you met yesterday when you were supposed to be staying put here in your apartment?”

“What would Arman have done if he was with me yesterday?” I ask, genuinely curious to see if he tries to sugarcoat it.

“He probably would have had him dealt with.” His honesty is refreshing.

No hint of sugar to be tasted.

“You went to Arman Romanov’s apartment?” Natalie fists her hands at her sides. “What the hell were you thinking?”

“You don’t even know who he is, how can you sound like that?” I roll my eyes.

“Arman Romanov. You said his name before; his wife was working for you at the office, right? I looked it up because the name sounded familiar.” She eyes Maxim. “The tattoos make more sense now.”

“Your roommate has more sense than you.” Maxim shoots me a look.

“Now I understand why you’re taking her with you.” Natalie shakes her head. “But I swear, if you hurt her, I’ll hurt you.” She points a finger at him with narrowed eyes.

“Hey, lioness, you coming or what?” Chad calls from her bedroom door. He eyes Maxim and gives him a nod.

“Lioness. He thinks he’s so funny with these nicknames,” she mutters under her breath. “Yes. I’m coming.” She jerks her eyes back to Maxim and me. “We’re going out for dinner. You guys want to come with us?”

“No.” Maxim grabs my bag.

“No, thanks,” I amend the response while casting him a look over my shoulder.

She sighs. “Proof of life, every twenty-four hours.” She gives me a pointed look while grabbing her purse and meeting Chad at the door where he’s twirling car keys around his finger.

“She’ll be fine,” he tells her. “And if not, I’m sure you’ll be all over it.” He opens the door. “Leave them alone. Let’s go.” He nudges her out the door, pulling it shut behind him.

“This Jack, how does he know where you live? Do you see him often?” Maxim picks up my bag and gestures for me to go ahead of him toward the door.

“No. Rarely, actually.” I turn off the apartment lights and lock the door behind us. “Yesterday was the first time I’ve talked to him in a few years. When Gunner didn’t come home, I went to Jack’s place to see if he was there. Jack swore he hadn’t seen him. I went back every week for a few months, hoping to see Gunner there, but Jack kept saying he hadn’t seen him. That if he did, he would send him home. But then Jack moved out of the apartment he’d been renting and I lost track of him.”

He carries my bag down the single flight to street level before putting it back on its wheels. “He knows where you live though?” he asks as he pulls the car into traffic. Sunday evening isn’t so bad, but it’s still going to take a little while to get back to his apartment.

“I guess. I’m listed, so maybe he just looked it up.” In case Gunner ever wanted to find me, I’ve made sure I was only a few keystrokes away. “It still doesn’t make any sense that he’d leave that note.” I pull out my phone. “I’ll set up a meeting with him again.”

Maxim reaches over and covers my hand with his. “Not yet. I have information first.”
