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“Nothing.” I wave my hand and pick up the glass of wine. It’s a sweet white wine—my favorite.

“Hello, ladies.” Three men crowd around our little table, their smiles cocked and ready.

“Can we buy you another round?” the tallest one of the bunch asks, buddying up next to me.

“We just got these, but thanks.” I fist the stem of my glass and take a step toward Anya.

“Thanks, guys, but we’re just having fun tonight.” She waves them away. Their smiles aren’t so bright now.

“That’s what we’re here for too. My name’s Teddy, that’s Jason, and that’s Tommy,” the shorter of the three pipes up then runs his tongue over his top teeth.

I recoil an inch; he looks like he’s ready to lick our faces.

“We mean fun alone.” My eyes narrow. “Maybe you can find another table.”

“But I like this one.” Jason, the tall guy, scoots closer to me. When I move over again, I bump into Anya, making her stumble.

“Whoa, careful.” Tommy leans into me to talk into my ear. I nudge him off me.

“Thanks. I’m fine.”

“Looks like you ladies need someone to take care of you tonight.” Jason runs his clammy fingers down my arm.

I turn away, but he grabs me. “Don’t run away. We’re just talking.”

“You should go,” Anya yells at him. The club is packed, but no one takes any notice of what’s happening at our little table in the corner. Even if we were to scream, it would only get lost in the music.

“Why? It’s early still.” Tommy touches the earring dangling from Anya’s ear. “These are pretty.” He tugs on the earring, forcing her to move toward him if she doesn’t want her earlobe ripped.

“Really. You should go.” I shove at Jason.

Teddy stands across the table, watching the scene. He’s not intervening, and it doesn’t look like he will. It’s like he wants the bigger guys to catch the prey for him and he’ll just take whatever is left of the carcasses once they’re done.

The smile slips from Tommy’s lips. “I don’t think so.” He grabs Anya and pulls her against him. “I think we’re having fun right here.”

Anya shoves at his shoulders but he doesn’t move away. Instead, he laughs. “She’s a fighter.”

Jason’s fingers dig deeper into my arm as I struggle to get away from him. His fingernails bite into my skin.

“This one too,” Jason yells to his friend. He pulls me back a step until his hard dick presses against my ass. My throat closes around thick bile creeping up trying to get out.

Jason spins me around until I’m facing him, then clamps his hand around the back of my neck and pulls me to him. In the next breath, his wet lips smash against mine. I bite down hard and blood pours onto my tongue.

“What the fuck?” Jason screams out, shoving me away from him. I fall into Anya, but she’s able to get our balance to keep us from falling onto our asses.

“You fucking kissed me.” I wipe my hand across my mouth, his blood shining on my palm.

“She fucking bit me.” Jason probes his bloody tongue.

“You’re lucky that’s all you got.” A deep voice penetrates through the music and the sound of the crowds.

I recognize him. He’s the man I’ve seen sitting in the hallway at work the past few weeks. He never comes into the office or any other office on our floor; he just sits in the hallway like he’s waiting for someone.

What is he doing here?

He lifts his eyes to us then flicks them to the side. Anya sucks in a sharp breath, and I have a good feeling as to who is standing behind her. Next, three other men show up; security from the club.

“Take these assholes out back,” Arman, Anya’s husband, directs them, pointing at Tommy, Jason, and Teddy. Teddy, I notice, has a bloody nose and is glaring at Anya.
