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“You know how he is.” She rolls her eyes. “Just let the front know to keep the template as much as humanly possible. Especially for Dr. Raleigh.”

“I can do that.” I nod. “If it will keep him from going up there and trying to talk to them himself.” Last time he tried that, I nearly lost a receptionist. His people skills aren’t the best, which boggles me as to why he wanted to become a doctor.

“Good.” She smiles. “I know you have a new receptionist starting today. I’ll try to keep him away from the front of the office today.”

“Thank you. Sheryl, that’s her name, is up there already. She’s worked for two other ophthalmologist offices so I’m not worried. She just needs to learn our system.” I got lucky finding her.

“Good. Let me know if you need backup with anything. You’re doing a great job, by the way, Mandy. I know Dr. Raleigh gives you a hard time sometimes, but he knows it too.”

“Thank you.” Her compliment has given me a boost the sixteen-ounce, triple-shot coffee couldn’t.

“Mandy,” Jewel interrupts. “I’m sorry,” she eyes Samantha, “but there’s a guy here who says he’s supposed to meet with you?”

I check my phone for the time. “I don’t remember having a meeting with anyone today. What’s his name?”

“Jack Victmen?”

My heart clenches, but I hide it as best I can. “Hmmm. Can you just put him in my office, I’ll be right there.”

She grins. “Already did.”

“Thanks.” I tuck my phone back into my pocket. “I guess I have a meeting,” I say to Samantha.

What is Jack doing here, and how the hell did he even find me? I hurry down the hall to my office, while trying to look as casual as possible. I don’t need drama brought here. I like this job. I’m good at this job, and I don’t want to lose it.

Jack’s holding a framed picture I keep on my desk of my family before the accident. He looks up when I close the door behind me.

“You look so young here.” He puts the frame back where he found it.

“I should. I was barely eighteen at the time.” I drop my notepad and pen on the desk. “How’d you find me?”

He shrugs. “I know people who know people.”

“And do any of these people know where my brother is?” I’m sure I sound bitchier than I think I do, but I don’t care. I’m tired of getting little pieces of a puzzle I’m starting to think I’ll never solve. It seems every road leads to a dead end. One person says Gunner was in one spot but then he’s not there, and they don’t know where he is now. Then someone says the same thing and over and over again. Even with Maxim’s help, I’m not sure I’m ever going to find my little brother.

“Do you have anything useful for me, Jack?” I fold my arms over my chest, more to ward off the chill in the air. The air conditioning is set too high, but Dr. Raleigh won’t let anyone but him touch it.

“Did you go see the Romanovs?” It’s an accusation from start to finish. He already knows I did.

“I did.” I nod. “Before I got your note.”

He runs his tongue along his front teeth, beneath his lip. “Which one?” His chin jerks upward with his question. I’m not sure this is a friendly visit anymore.

“Arman Romanov.” I don’t go into any details. “I know they sent my brother to a rehab facility, but he’s not there anymore.” I unfold my arms and press my hands into my desk, leaning toward him. “Do you know anything? Because I swear, Jack, you seem to know things but don’t want to tell me.”

“I told you to stay away from the Romanovs.” His lips thin as he curls them inward. He drags his hand through his hair, leaving the short dark tresses standing on end. “Okay, what did you tell them?”

“Nothing about you.” I tilt my head to the side. “Are you nervous they’ll come after you?”

“Why would I be? I don’t touch their shit,” he snaps.

“You’re not telling me something. What is it?” I move around my desk toward him. “Jack. This is my brother. Just tell me.”

He won’t look at me. “Are the Romanovs looking for him?” he asks, staring straight ahead.

“Not the family. One of their men is helping me.” I touch his shoulder and don’t move it until he turns toward me. “He’s helping me. It has nothing to do with you, so whatever trouble you think you’re in, you probably aren’t.”

“Mandy, you have no idea how this world works.” He blows out a breath and pinches the bridge of his nose. “Who’s helping you? Which brother?”
