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“I was.” I nod. “Just not at my office.” The drizzle from earlier has stopped, but there’s still a slight chill in the air. Which is nothing compared to the ice dripping down my spine as he continues to glare at me.

“I said you could come with me. Why would you go behind my back, Amanda? What happened today to turn you into such a naughty girl?”

I open my mouth, ready to tell him about Jack, but if Jack’s right and the Romanovs are behind Gunner’s disappearance, telling Maxim everything now would jeopardize my mission.

“I wanted to come on my own.” It’s the best I can come up with, without lying to him. The man is a human lie detector; he’ll know the second I say something dishonest.

He huffs a laugh then drags his thumb along his bottom lip.

“Well, you’re not going anywhere alone anymore.” He bends down until his dangerous glare is again burrowing into my gaze. “Actually, you’re not going anywhere for a while. Now get in the car.”

“I have work. I’ve managed to keep my job this long, I’m not going to blow it now. I won’t let you lock me away because I’m inconvenient!” I know I’m raising my voice, but his overbearing protectiveness is raining all over the tiniest bit of sunshine I just found in the halfway house. Gunner is alive and he’s clean.

“Is that so?” He doesn’t look ready to cave. In fact it looks more like my words are stoking a fire that has just sparked.

A yellow cab pulls up behind the SUV. The passenger hops out and I take my shot.

“Yes! That’s so!” I run to the cab, jumping into the back seat. “Go!” I yell at the driver.

Maxim stalks toward the car. I hit the plastic divider.

“Please! Please go!”

“You in trouble?”

“He can’t get me. Please don’t let him get me!” I cry and hit the lock on the door.

Just as Maxim steps up to the car, the driver finally hits the gas and peels into traffic. I press my hands to the window. Maxim stands in the street watching me drive further away from him. I swallow back a nervous laugh and sink into the back seat.

I’ve gotten away from the lion for now, but there’s no telling what he’ll do to find me next.

“Shit.” We’re only two blocks away when the taxi driver looks up into the rearview mirror and grimaces.

I turn and find a police car with his lights flashing right behind us. The driver couldn’t have done anything wrong. He hasn’t so much as changed lanes since we left the halfway house.

“Maybe it’s not for you,” I say, somewhat hopeful as he turns the corner at the first side street he comes to and pulls to the side. The cop car stops behind us, leaving the blue and red lights flashing as he sits in his car staring at us over the steering wheel.

“What the hell is he doing?” the driver asks, still watching the cop from his rearview.

The cop gets out of his car and walks toward us with one hand on his holster. I push over to the farthest side of the car to keep out of their conversation.

A cold blast of air invades the car when the driver rolls down the window, his license and two other pieces of paper in hand ready to give the cop.

“Sorry for the inconvenience, but I believe your passenger is someone of interest. If you could unlock the back door, I would appreciate it.” The cop darts his blue eyes to me in the back seat and my stomach twists.

No. He wouldn’t do this.

“Who are you looking for?” I ask, completely inept at handling a confrontation with a police officer.

“Unlock the back door, please,” the cop says again to the driver, who eyes me through the mirror.

“Are you sure she’s the one you’re looking for?” he asks, though there isn’t much strength in his question. He’s going to cave. I can feel it.

“I’m looking for Amanda Spreeman. I believe you picked her up right outside Freedom House about a mile back.” He keeps his eyes trained on me. “If you’ll just show me your ID we can get this matter settled. If you’re not the person I’m looking for, you can be on your way.” He flashes a confident smile.

“Just show him your ID,” the driver insists.

“What do you want me for?” I ask, scooting to his side of the car. The driver unlocks the doors and the cop pops mine open. “I’m not getting out until you tell me why.”
