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“Nothing. Never mind.” I gently shove him. “Let’s go before you get yourself arrested.” I maneuver around him, and now I’m leading him from the club.

When we step out into the fall air of the night, I take a deep breath. I don’t think I realized how sleepy I was getting. My feet are heavy.

I lift my free hand into the air when I reach the curb to hail a cab.

“What are you doing?” he asks, coming to stand beside me. His hand is warm against mine; he squeezes a little.

“I’m getting a cab.”

“No.” He pushes my arm down. “My car is this way.” He gently tugs, but I’m not going anywhere with him.

“I’d rather take a cab.”

His dark eyes narrow a fraction. “I’d rather you didn’t.”

“Then I guess we’re at a stalemate.” I try to smile, but it’s extremely difficult to do when someone as large as him, as attractive as him, as irritated as him is glaring down at me with his lips pulled into a thin tight line. I know he’s supposed to be scary, but I just can’t conjure up the feeling right now.

“No. We’re not.” He tilts his head to the left. “Do you need me to carry you?”

“Of course not. I can walk.”

“Then walk.” He turns his back on me, his hand still clamped around mine, and yanks me along.

“I can get home on my own,” I argue, but my tired feet clomp behind him. He says nothing. “I don’t need a ride. But I appreciate the offer.” I try civility. He remains silent, and we’re getting further away from the crowd waiting to get into the club and closer to the darkened parking lot behind the club.

“How do I know you’re not going to rape and murder me?” I pull harder to get released from his grip.

Still the man says nothing. He pulls me to a car, a black sedan with tinted windows, and opens the passenger door.

“I should scream for help,” I huff.

His lips slide open into a grin. “You could. I wouldn’t mind a fight tonight.” He looks almost hopeful at the prospect. “But any pain I cause an innocent person because of your stubbornness, you’ll feel on your ass the second you’re sober enough to feel it.”

I blink; I couldn’t have heard him right. Maybe I’m listening through wine muffs? Is that a thing? A bubble of giggles rises up in my chest and I release it.

“Get in the car, Mandy.” He gestures to the leather seat waiting for me.

I shut down my laughing and force a serious tone. “You’ll take me straight home?”

He looks like he’s fighting the urge to roll his eyes.

“Yes. Straight home. Get in.” His voice hardens. “Or do you want me to give you a taste of what disobedience gets you with me?” There’s a sparkle in his eyes as he threatens me a second time.

I decide it’s best not to tempt it—not right now, not when I’m too tired to fight back. A ride home would be nice. I climb into the seat, and before I can get situated, he leans inside and drags the seatbelt across my chest and snaps it in place.

“I could have done that,” I mutter, searching the small area around me. I lost my purse again. My phone is in there, and my keys.

“You can’t find your purse again.” He pulls it from where it’s smashed between my hip and the center console.

“I’m not that drunk.” The door shuts. I doubt he even heard me.

When he gets into the car, I rattle off my address and lean my head against the window.

“I think Anya broke that man’s nose,” I say, letting my eyes slip closed. He pulls onto the street and the smooth movement of the car is making my eyelids too heavy to hold open.

He grunts.

“Jason will have a sore tongue.” I chuckle. “He shouldn’t have stuck it in my mouth.”
